Chapter 6: Me? Secrets? Never...

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-March 29th, 2007. Thursday, 6:42 A.M Six weeks, five days later-

Sam was going to kill me at some point. Judging from her angry glare and crossed arms it was going to happen sooner, not later.

It wasn't helping things that Carol was looking awkwardly between us. But she couldn't be more awkward than I am. Standing behind Mom's car. About to drive to the Milford train station and then off to Grand Central.

The fresh snowfall was enough to make everyone panic and so today is a snow day. But apparently tomorrow is a blizzard and that'll probably be another snow day.

Not like that makes a difference to me... I'm not going to be here.

Picking at the blue collar of my brand new jacket. I always forget the brand though. My shiney, wheely oversized (and overly expensive) suitcase looking thing also staring at us from the open trunk.

"You've been gone almost every weekend, sometimes not even a weekend..." Sam says, lowering her voice to sound meaner.

Memories of meeting up with them in New Jersey flash through my mind, glancing at Carol and tensing as they do. "It's... work stuff. I really can't talk about it." She won't buy it. Sam's my best friend for a reason, she knows me too well to believe any lie or excuse I tell for too long. But it will hopefully stall her. Because really, I can't say anything in front of Carol at least.

No one actually, according to my parents. But this is Sam Greene... Come on...

Rolling her eyes at me before the two of us hear my front door open. Carly running eagerly out to the car. Grinning the whole time and my heart sinks for her. Everytime she's come with Mom and me to drop me off she somehow always gets her hopes up she'll be staying too.

Turning her frustration back to me. Grabbing Carol's arm. "Have fun on another one of your mysterious trips..." Grumbling and walking away, not giving me the chance to say anything else.

How the hell am I supposed to keep doing this and have friends? I want my parents. I want my friends. But how am I going to have both? Hollie, Hunter and the others refuse to talk to me for being so secretive lately. I'm pretty sure Sam has something to do with that, but that's not the point...

A hand settles on my shoulder. Grabbing my attention and gently steering me toward the open door into the backseat. "Don't worry about it, Amy. I'm sure it'll be okay." Mom comforts. Hearing her closing the trunk behind me.

The drive feels so long, the wait for the train even longer and not even hot chocolate is enough to make me feel good about this anymore.

It does mean a lot that they moved from New Jersey to New York after they were done recording. They apparently start their nonstop touring this year sometime mid April. And the plan is they stay up here one more week before going back to their home. In Tennessee, near Nashville they tell me.

"You should visit us down there sometime soon! Then you can meet your grandparents and aunties, it'll be super fun and cool!"

Yeah, Momma Hayley, I don't think so with Sam starting to hate me already for being gone so much...

"Aren't you excited, Amy?" Carly bumps my shoulder with hers. Sitting next to me on the train. "You're going to meet Hayley and Josh!"

"Again." Responding to her simply. It's been almost two months since they both showed up. I've "met" them a lot of times now. Then again... Carly hasn't. They talk to her and stuff, but we've never taken her with us anywhere and she's never stayed.

Carly huffs and crosses her arms. Probably still in a bad mood after we bickered over who gets the window seat... I got the window seat. "I would be super excited forever if I were you... You always get to stay with them, and go places and do stuff with them..." She mumbles, kicking her shoes together. "Did you meet the rest of the band yet?" Curiously... yet the question comes off bitter to me.

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