That One Year - II

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That One Year – II

“ I have seen you, I have admired you and I desire only you. Every heart sings a song, incomplete until someone whispers back, and I want you to complete my incomplete life.”

“Between sorry for scaring you with those 4 lines, courtesy: Google ;) . Hey Aj , don’t think I am following you or running behind you, and I don’t mind if you think that way because I am really doing that ;) I know you from past 1 year, I have seen you once when you came to perform in my school. And you are a really good dancer J . I was pretty happy that god gave me another chance by putting us in same college. It took 3 months for me to write this way, as I was really scared.

 To introduce me, I am Swetha of your neighbouring school. I guess I need not describe me as of now you have seen me.”

“Don’t think I am scaring you by asking you to love me back, let us be friends J and later you will definitely fall in love with me.”

“You filled my dreams with colours, you filled my heart with love, you filled my life with meaning, meaning which you alone can define.”

Courtesy: Swetha herself ;)

                 See you tomorrow at same time and same place. Till then keep thinking of me J”

                I left the letter after I read and it blew away with moving wind from the college bus window. All I could recall was Nisha’s face. Nisha’s letters at once sprang in to my mind. While Din sitting beside me was worried where the letter blew away.

        Friends are often curious about these things and after continuous rant of din I opened the cover, it was enveloped neatly with a caution open with smile. And all the letter was decorated with smileys by using all the 7 colours in rainbow. I was pleased to read but I know I have no place for anyone except Nisha. So now I have two chances one is I should go meet Swetha tomorrow and say her that I am already in love or simply escape from her. I choose the later one as I dint have guts to face any girl other than Nisha.

   For next one week I never showed up myself anywhere near the college bus stop. I choose public transport during evenings and mornings in college bus.


        “How many days still you want to escape from her? This public transport is literally taking away the hell out of me.” Din said eating the spicy Veg Chinese noodles. Though they call them Chinese they usually belong to north part of India or more likely from Nepal. Pani Puri and samosa chat was out from our menu as it was only available near college bus stop and Chinese noodle are added now.

“Few more days bro, she might have forgotten me by now. But let us see for 3 more …”

“No bro, she will not forget you so soon..” someone said with a girl voice.

I looked up after getting stuffed my mouth with some really long noodles, and its Swetha !!!  I was trying to swallow noodles but I was unable to do that. And hiccup’s at once bounced.

“Cool AJ..!! she said sitting beside me and started tapping on my head with one hand and giving some water with other.”

“Bhaiya… 1 veg mancho and he will pay” she said pointing towards me.

“Why will I pay?” I said looking at her more astonished.


“What because.. nothing I am leaving.Lets go Din”

“Because you made me wait for 1 week Aj.”

“I dint ask you to wait.”

“Then why were you not coming in college bus ?”

“I was busy with my extra classes.”

“ Don’t lie Aj, please look into my eyes and say whatever you want. Do you see that guy out there ?”

I looked out with my head raised “Who , that red shirt fellow ?”

“Yes, he is the 10 th fellow who is following me, and this time I said that I have a boyfriend and it’s you.”

“Me…!!!! Are you nuts or something? Please leave me.” I said and started walking away from her.

“Ya, I will leave you AJ, but be careful with that guy.” She shouted and started laughing.

Din and I started to walk out slowly, and now I have got another new follower, “The red shirt fellow.”

As I reached bus stop and looked back, followers kept on increasing. I was not afraid but confused what to do. Meanwhile a guy from the group called me, I pretended as if I dint listen. And now I got a heavy tap on my shoulder. I looked back.

“Yes..!!” who are you ?” I asked

“It doesn’t bother you? But why is that girl so close with you.”

Now I could see all of them circled me. I am not a kick boxer to hit all the guys at once, I looked at my biceps, and I thought that I hardly can push one fellow.

“ I beckoned Din to move away quickly. I was looking around and waiting for the right time and preparing myself for that action scene.”

I selected the one weak fellow in the group and pushed him hard. While others are still in dilemma, I jumped and got the bus.

“Don’t try to follow her, I love her.” Red shirt fellow shouted.

“But she loves me and I am her friend.” I reckon this words are out of emotion of pushing one guy.

Bus moved and these words are also heard by the Swetha standing a little away from the bus stop.

My throat completely dried up as I felt this could definetly hurt me in both ways by becoming an enemy for 10 huge guys and a love for one beautiful girl.

                                                To be Continued………..

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