52) Beware of Random Calls

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The answer to that was 'yes'. Apparently assault is assault, even if the victim is Satan.

Graves didn't believe any of us when we said nothing happened and played back the parking lot cameras, which had caught the entire altercation. In the end, Layne ended up saddled with a two week suspension, not that Wren was there to see it. She'd called in sick, needing time for her face to heal. 

In addition, it also caught the surplus of seniors parking in the teacher lot, instead of the student lot, so by Wednesday Layne is gone and almost everyone else is ticketed for violating parking.

I get out of class early, and put on my headphones, walking to my truck. The song changes in the middle, and it takes me a second to realize my phone's ringing. As I told you...

I answer it, "Hey, baby---"

She cuts me off, "What are you doing right now?" she rushes.

"I don't know for real for real. The best I can I guess?" I joke.

"Stop being a dumbass," she tells me, "I need you. Like right now."

"Look sweetie we weren't all put out of school. I have NCT still."

"That's why I'm telling you to hurry!" she whines, "I can see you, swaggering your slow ass to your truck right now."

I become self conscious of my gait and quicken it, "Okay, okay. I'll be there soon. Love you."

"Hurry!" she hangs up and I speed to her house. My mind immediately starts to race. What could be so important? Why was she talking so fast? Is everything okay?

I blow past more than a couple stop signs and pray that the cops in this area have better things to do at the moment.

Doing 80 in a 60 fuck a ticket...

I reach Layne's building in record time and bound the steps to her apartment, letting myself in. "Layne?"

The apartment is suspiciously quiet. Max raises his head from his bed, but otherwise is unbothered by my presence. I'm over so much, I'm no longer a surprise. I make my way deeper and into her room, where she's casually reclined in bed. She smiles, "Hey."

"Hey?" seeing that she's okay, I go off, "Layne what the fuck? I just broke like every traffic law ever to get here," I rant, "I could've gotten arrested, I could've gotten shot. Shit, they kill black people nowadays. I could've hydroplaned into traffic. I could've--- "

"Ssh," she stands, crosses the room and kisses me, "Sorry, Baby. I had to show you something..." she lets the covers fall away from her, revealing her in total unclothed glory, "I didn't mean to make you mad..."

My eyes drink her in and she smiles, clearly pleased with my reaction.

"Fuck," I drop my bag in awe, "Layne---"

"Ssshhh..." like magic she unzips my jacket, pushing it off my shoulders. I'm paralyzed as she pulls my unbuttons my flannel, kissing my neck, my chest, my torso. My heartbeat increases and I swallow. I should be telling her no. But all I can think of is yes. She stands again, kissing me on the lips. Like second nature my hands go to her waist, feeling the soft skin there.

I pull away, "I have school." It's a weak protest at best. Honestly, its too little too late, considering she already has me topless. 

She unbuckles my belt, pulling me toward the bed, "That just means we have to be fast."

"Dammit," I realize I'm already stepping out of my jeans, "You're gonna make me late, I swear it."

"I didn't do anything," she gives me a devilish smirk as I hurriedly rip my clothes from my body.

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