35) Beware Detention

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The rest of the class goes by and at the end I waste no time bolting to my truck.

"Slow down Speed Racer damn!" Layne hurries to catch me, "I said I was sorry."

"Are you pleased with yourself?" I turn, clearly irritated.

"Are you mad at me?" she responds, undignified.

Wren was out of line, yes, but not that out of line. Of course Layne and I are dating, but still Wren and I were something a kin to friends, and Layne didn't get to decide how our friendship panned out.

"I just don't think you should've said that to Wren," I say.

"So you're taking her side?" she questions, "And I'd watch the next thing you say, Kaylie Jane Parker."

I open my mouth to respond, then close it, realizing it'll be a long car ride home if I say what I'm feeling, "You know what-- Forget I said anything."

"No, no--- Elaborate." We both get into the car and I start it, the engine almost drowning out my girlfriend. Almost. "ENLIGHTEN ME PLEASEEEEEE!"

"I had the situation with Wren handled is all!" I reply, the lower my voice, "And you just came in an wrecked her."

"Nononono-- You were entertaining her, not handling her. I handled her."

"You could've done it nicer is all," I sigh, "I want a girlfriend not a guard dog."

"Excuse me?" she runs a frustrated hand through her hair, "YOU could've said something when she called YOUR girlfriend a country bumpkin," Layne retorts, "Or were you too busy lost in her eyes?"

You saw that? "I don't know what you wanted me to do," I relent, "It put me in a tough spot. You know I don't like fights."

She softens, then hardens again, "Don't do that."

"Do what?" I raise an eyebrow.

"You're using subliminals to remind me why I like you and it's making it hard to hate you," she scowls, "Stop it."

"Baby I'm sorry," I apologize, although not entirely sure what for.

"Accepted," she uncrosses her arms, "And you're right, I guess I was a little off today. But that's only because Wren wants you still."

"Still? Um, last I check she didn't want me at all," I joke. Layne exhales and takes my hand, interlacing our fingers, "You're so stupid sometimes it's cute but so damn annoying..."

"I know I'm the worst," we arrive at a stop light, "You should punish me with kisses."

She rolls her eyes and kisses me briefly, pulling away far too soon for my taste. I groan as the light turns green and we continue on.

When we stop at Layne's house I kill the engine but do not unlock the door for her. She gives me an annoyed look, "You expect to make out with me now?"

"Actually, I have some rules of my own," I reply, "Rule one-- you cannot spazz on anymore of my friends. Other people touch me, Layne and you can't just go off on everyone. Rule two--- you've lost unsolicited PDA privileges after today. Rule three--- I don't know I'm saving it in case you get outta pocket again."

She pouts holding back any protests, as I did with her, "Okay. Deal."

I smile, happy this didn't turn into another fight, "Now I expect to make out with you."

"You're the worst," she smiles, letting me know she's not serious.

"Yeah, I know," she leans in and we meet in the middle, our lips locking. Suddenly Layne jumps away, hoping out of the car.

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