9) Beware Late Nights

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I miss all of first period being in Dr. Harvey's office, and by the time I'm released, I don't even feel like learning anything. On my way out the building, I run into Nat, headed out for lunch.

"How long were you in there?"

"An hour and a half," I reply, "She made me explain why I chose every school I did too."

Nat chuckles, "She'll be back for you, you know?"

"Oh I know," I exhale, "Everybody wanna know what KJ can do for them. Nobody ever asks what they can do for KJ though."

"Shut up," she hits me, "Are we still studying tonight?"

"I've got work," I reply, "I'll let you know if I get out early though."

Soon enough it's time for NCT and I grab Layne before we drive to school in silence.

"Thank you," she says as we hop out the car. I assume it's for the ride.

"It's cool," I reply, headed toward the building.

"KJ," she hurries to catch me, my strides inherently longer due to our height difference, "I mean for last night."

"Ah," I shrug, "Yeah no problem."

I continue to class and she trails behind me.

"Aye Parker," a heavy hand lands on my shoulder and I jump.

"Lori," I watch as she leans on my locker, "Sooo... About Layne?"

"What's up?"

"I'm thinking about asking her out Friday," she explains, "Y'all are friends. Any tips?"

"Yeah I have one," I close my locker, "Don't do it."

"I thought you said I could have her?" she argues.

"Well yeah," I stumble over my words, "But now  might not really be a good time to shoot your shot."

"Because she's shooting her shots at you?"

"No!" I lower my voice, "Because she's going through a rough time right now."

"That's why I think a date would be a good idea! It'll cheer her up," she persists.

"Lori leave me alone!" I snap, "I'm not in the mood."

I take my seat, leaving Lori standing confused at my outburst.

"Are you okay, KJ?" Layne turns to me.

"Perfectly fine."


The day soars by and soon enough I'm dropping Layne at her house after NCT to head in to work.

"Aye," Chess nods at me as I pull on my work shirt, "How's it in the jungle?"

The jungle is Chess' term for 'the real world'. Ya know, the whole "It's a jungle out there" thing.

"It's good," I lie. I don't really remember too much of my day, "You?"

"Jungle-y," he jokes, "You and Napkin Girl a thing?"

I force a chuckle, "Nah, we're just friends."

"Right," he winks, "Friends."

"No, wrong," I don't like the emphasis he uses, "Not 'friends'. Just 'friends.'No winking. No smirking. No nothing. We're just friends."

"Whatever you say KJ," Chess smirks again and heads back to work.

The evening is slow and drags by, a table or two every hour, which is a generous number. On the bright side, closing will take no time. We're so slow that Chess let's me set up in the back doing homework, taking on the task of running front and back of house. I reach a conversion problem and pull out my phone to solve, seeing I have three missed calls from Layne. Shit.

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