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Gavin POV

I was walking about Geoff's house and I couldn't help but to smile to myself.

Michael of all people hugged me.

He hugged me. My smile turned into a slight smirk and I continued to walk throughout the house.

Austin was my new home.

I was too busy in my thoughts that I didn't notice I walked into a lighted area and it was about four am.

The lights being on didn't affect me until I ran into Geoff.

I let out a small whine as I backed up running my head.

I watched as a sleepy Geoff did the same.

"Gavin?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

"Uh.. Maybe.." I said.

"What are you doing it's like 1 am."

Clearly he hasn't seen the clock yet and I rubbed the back of my head a bit more.

"You are dreaming Geoff. Gavin is not here. Gavin is asleep. Go back to sleep Geoff."

I couldn't help but the giggle to myself because I sounded like an idiot.

"Are you my conscious?" Geoff said furrowing his eyebrows at me.

Of all people why would I, Gavin be someone's conscious.

"Yeah.. Yeah. Sure. I am your conscious Geoff."

I didn't want him to know I was out at four am.

I don't know why but I just didn't.

It's not like he could be an over protective dad to me but I just didn't want him to know.

Eventually after a few more jokes he slowly turned around and moped to his room.

Once I saw he closed the door I jumped up into the air and said "yes" a tap bit loud.

I heard some rustling in Geoff's room and I said "yes" a bit softer.

I walked over and turned off the lights that I assume Geoff turned on and I headed for my room.

I walked into my room and the first thing I noticed was my bad full of clothes.

It was thrown on the floor and I tried to remember how it got there.

"Geoff." I said to myself nodding.

I assume he threw it in the room when he took Millie home.

I took my phone out and plugged it in to charge. I set it on the nightstand next to the bed which was now mine.

I changed into a different shirt and put a pair of shorts on.

It was pretty late to be taking a shower so I decided to take one in the morning.

Before climbing into bed I threw my bag off the bed and clothes ended up all over the floor.

"Oops." I said.

You can't expect a man, or in this case me, to clean a room at 4am.
So I didn't.

"I'll do it in the morning."

But even if I wouldn't clean, I still had time to check my phone.

I crawled under the blanket and opened my Twitter app.

I had even more followers because of RT.

I noticed the entire office of Rooster Teeth was now following me and I followed everyone back.

Tapping from Jack to Gus, I followed all of them.

I decided I would tweet something just to say my thanks to everyone today.

Regards to everyone @RoosterTeeth and especially @GeoffLRamsey for everything

I wasn't sure what to say so I left it nice and short.

After checking Twitter I decided to text Dan, see how he is without me.

From: Meeeeee
To: B
Hey B! I miss you and all the lads with accents. I was just seeing how everything is back in England.

I watched as the little bar slid to signal message delivered and I watched as the words "Read at 4:23" popped up.

England was about six hours ahead of us so it was already morning for Dan.

I stared at the small screen as another bubble popped up signaling he was typing a response.

Not long after, I received a message.

From: B
To: Meeeeee
Gavvy! B! Hi! I miss you too! England is.. Well.. It's England and I miss you!

I smiled to myself in the dark.
I was looking at a small screen in the dark and I was smiling at it.

What if you took an image of a man smiling at a small black box that emits light, and give that image to a cave man.

I decided instead of coming up with a theory I would reply to Dan.

From: Meeeeee
To: B
You said you miss me twice, and I miss you too.

From: B
To: Meeeeee
I said it twice because you are special B.

We call each other B and it's just a thing we have. Yeah it may be a bit weird at times but it's nice.

Eventually he replied asking how Austin was and how I was doing.

From: Meeeeee
To: B
Austin is... Well it's Austin. It's hot and I have managed to get a place to stay. It's nice here and I can't wait to visit England.

We ended up having an extremely long conversation about what I've missed and he explained new ideas for Slow Mo Guys.

I eventually explained Rooster Teeth and Michael and I also explained how I was staying with Geoff.

After a long back and forth talk I decided I would just call him later in the day.

I told him how late it was and he agreed.

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