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Michael POV

I set my keys down on the desk in front of me as Ray and Geoff walked inside the office.

"Hey Michael." Ray said and I replied with a quick peppy hey.

"How're you feeling?"

It's been almost a week since Gavin and I had our dispute and I was beginning to think he wouldn't come home.

I shrugged at the Puerto Rican,"Eh."

He chuckled,"What does 'eh' mean?"

And I shrugged again.

Ray sat down at his desk, turning his chair toward the center of the room where Ryan was fixing a few mics.

"Ryan the mic guy." Ray said and everyone glanced over at him.

"Ray please." I said laughing.

Ray's been there by my side ever for the time being without Gavin.

And I was happy to have someone there. I mean yeah everyone else was here for me but I was closer to Ray and more comfortable talking about Gavin in front of him.

Plus he bought me tacos.

"So what're we doing today?" I decided to ask because everyone was doing their own thing at the time.

Ryan continued to fix a couple of broken mics thanks to Ray and Jack was stacking the games back on the shelf.

"It doesn't really matter. I didn't have any ideas today." Said Geoff and I nodded.

We haven't done much since Gavin left, we haven't recorded a lot at all so we just upload the prerecorded videos.

That or ones that were never released.

I looked over as Ray was playing with the little toys on his desk.

"How old are you?"

He laughed but didn't reply and kept playing with the mini figures.

The room was silent and the only thing to be heard were the small clicking noises from Ryan in the center of the room.

"How did you even break these?" He asked.

"Well...." Ray mumbled.

"Ray got excited a while back and practically jumped on them."

Ray laughed while Ryan held back one,"Ray, the mics don't like it when you snap their necks."

"They have necks?" I asked.

"Michael please." Geoff said.

I laughed along with Ray but Ryan wasn't amused seeing he was the one fixing everything around here.

The room fell silent but not completely silent. I guess I could say quieter because no one was talking besides Jack and Geoff as they had a side conversation.

I sat in my chair and turned to Ray who set down his,"toys,".

"So what do you wanna do today?" I asked him.

"I don't know."

"That doesn't help me much." I laughed.

"Well I don't know what to say." He replied.

"What do you mean?"

He sighed,"I don't know. Are you up to go out and do much?"

"What do you mean am I up to it? Yeah why wouldn't I be."

"Well.... You know. I just assumed you were still upset."

I felt a slight smile form on my face,"Ray I will always miss him. But I can't stop my life from going on."

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