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Michael POV

I lifted my head up, feeling pain shoot through the back of my neck.


I looked around while raising a hand to rub my neck and we were getting ready to land in England. I was still alone in the back and I guess the lack of noise made me fall asleep.

Not to mention I haven't slept good at all ever since Gavin left. But nonetheless it was nice to catch up on some sleep and I looked out the window.

My neck hurt because I had fallen asleep sitting up but I can't be too upset.

Everything was familiar since the last time I was here.

When I was here in England, I just went for vacation. You know, I thought it would be nice. And I was right it truly was nice.

England is beautiful and Gavin's lucky to have grown up here.

The flight attendant began giving the same speech given during every flight and I looked down at my feet.

I didn't know if I would find Gavin right away and I'm taking the risk of it. If I don't find him, I don't have much with me. So it was crucial to find him.

The ground became larger and closer as we descended back down to the ground after a grueling flight by myself.

I'm glad no one followed me though. I did this to myself and now I have to fix it and get Gavin to come home.

He needed to come home.

I missed him. And so did everyone else.

He's not native to Austin but everyone there loves him. I can't imagine going on for the rest of my time at the office without Gavin.

There would be no more stupid jokes or puns. Who would throw things at Geoff?

I sighed but yet still managed to smile thinking about all the memories I've already created with Gavin. Everything, I remember it all.

And I hope to make more with him.

That is if he comes home.

I can't be mad at him, it's all my fault. I just hope he isn't upset when I find him.

The plane landed a little rough but all in all it was okay.

Nothing could ruin my mood right now. I was going to find Gavin no matter what.

And I was going to be honest with him. I'm gonna tell him everything even about Lindsey.

My leg began to shake and bounce up and down but I couldn't control it. I was excited okay?

I smiled as I felt the plane slowly come to a stop at the airport and I closed my eyes.

I took a deep breath and then opened them again to see everyone exiting the plane.

Now that I think about it, I don't need to be first class. I like the back of the plane.

People say the back of the plane is the worst, but it's not. It's not as loud as people say.

It's quite comforting.

And I reminds me of when I first met Gavin.

Images of the British boy in his pajamas flashed through my head.

Images of him looking up at me and even images of when he walked away to the bathroom.

Yeah it wasn't the best but it was fine with me.

I stood up, with the exception of watching my head, and exited the plane.

I was slow at first, thanks to everyone in front of me, but as soon as I entered the airport I was exiting.

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