~ Chapter 21.

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Ryan gave me a wink. "Let's ride these horses! I bet someone is getting irritated of all the waiting!"

I could hear Mason giggle beside me, I walked towards Candy and somehow managed to get up on my own. I guess it is the excitment. I placed my hand on Candy's gorgeous manes (=hair) and saw at the same time that Ryan got on Trey. We walked towards Mason. Me on his right side and Ryan on his left, so there would be no chance for him to fall off.

"Where are we going?" Mason asked.

"That's is a surprise." Ryan said. Mason didn't bother asking again, he likes surprises. He can keep secrets and surprises, that's why everyone likes him that much. He is honest and reliable, even for his age.


I am stunned by the breath-taking view. I had seen it from the distance, but I couldn't quite decide what it was, it had seemed like a group of houses together. Like a small village. But it are ruins. It had ones been houses, but now there are only remains left. I could not get a word out of my mouth. I have always loved stories from the past. I really love history, I used to go to libraries with my mother and then I would read about the Romans and Greeks, about Italy, about poetry writers and I even tried to learn Latin. But that didn't work out, we couldn't afford to visit the library very often, because it's far away, so when I would learn something I would forget it by the next time. Later I started to perform on stage and Mason was born, so I had concentrated on that.

How is it possible that I have never noticed this place? There are so many old broken houses and ports, the arches are beautifully decorated with angels and flowers. The columns are very Greek looking, very ionic. Most houses have no roofs and have holes in the walls. I stepped of Candy and walked towards the houses. Green had grown over them over the years, at some places there were little flowers, but there is mostly grass. If you look through the window, you see a few house products, like chairs and forks, and a lot of green bunches.

"People lived here?" I asked.

"Yeah, once. Probably a very long time ago."

"Based on the structure and the stone the house is made of, I would say maybe 200 years ago."

"Why 200 years ago?"

"I see mostly wood, stones were very expensive in those days you know. Not many people could afford that. So based on that I would say this was a small village."

"Wauhhh." Mason said.

"How do you know?"

"I like reading." I simply said.

"She does!" Mason said excited. "Whenever she has got time she reads. Especially in the library. I don't like it there, you have to be quiet, you know. I like making noise. When Mr. Spider is with me..." Ryan and I started laughing at the same time, Mason just kept talking on and on. I can see he is enjoying himself. When Mason heard us laughing he stopped talking and blushed. His cheeks changing colour, I wish I could see how that looks like.

"How did you decide what Mr. Spiders name should be?" Ryan asked Mason curious.

"Ones I was watching TV in the library and I saw the movie called Spiderman!" Masons eyes got big because of the fascination for Spiderman. "And I loved him immediately, he is so kind and helps the people in need, but he can't do that all on his own. So when I got Mr. Spider I decided he should be Spiderman's helper. And that is how I came to the name!" Mason seemed to be satisfied with his story, especially when Ryan messed up his hair with his hand. I am happy Mason has a male figure in his life, since our dad is working most of the time and I am glad that it happens to be Ryan.

"Do you like Spiderman too?" Mason asked Ryan.

"Of course I do, I have seen all the movies!"

"Oh!" It is amazing to see Mason this happy. “I have an idea, Let's play Spiderman. Then Ryan can be Spiderman, Scarlett can be Gwen and I will be...." He seems to be puzzling about it. "Who will I be?"

"You can be the Lizard!" I said. I know he doesn't love the Lizard as much as Spiderman. But he loves the Lizard too, because he safes Spiderman's life at the end of the movie.

"Yeah. You better run, Spiderman or I will get Gwen!" Mason was immediately into his role.

"Are you serious? I am coming after you!" Ryan said. Mason giggled and left. Ryan took my hand softly in his, my eyes had been on Mason, but now they searched for Ryan’s. "I need to protect my Gwen."

"I can protect myself." I stated.

"I insist. You should know that I love protecting what is mine." He slowly pulled me closer with each word. Him calling me his, made me feel so safe. Then I realized I was never afraid around him, he took all that fear away. Each time we met I would find myself happy and pleased with his company. When our chests touched each other, our eyes immediately connected, finding him looking down at my eyes immediately made butterflies fly to each side they could reach. Just as I thought we were going to be in the position forever, which was fine too me, I felt his lips pressed against my forehead.

"Thank you." I said.

I have the feeling he is smiling. "For what?"

"Because you want to give me a second chance."

Suddenly I felt his strong hands wrapped hands around me. He hold me tight in his arms, with his chin resting on the top of my head. "I am thankful for the fact you're back.” You are wrong, I have never been away. I have always been with you, even when I ran away that night, I have had left my heart with you. I wanted to tell him what I thought, but I couldn't get it out, this moment was too perfect to say something and I do not want to break it. “Live is too short to keep thinking about whenever it is right to give someone a second chance. The first feeling you have for that person, should be the right one."

"Sometimes I wish I could always have an camera with me, so I can make photo's of everything that I see and experience. But every time that I look into your eyes I always remember when and how we first met, I remember everything. And that makes me even love you more."

"That doesn't make sense." I weakly smiled.

"Nothing makes sense in live, everything we do, why do we do that? We are going to die anyway, who is going to remember me in 200 years? Nobody. But I do believe in this." He pointed at his heart. "I believe that when we die, we take everything with us what is in our hearts. Everything we ever felt, from the strongest to the weakest feelings, from the most beautiful memories to the most painful memories ever. I want to leave this world knowing that I left the same love in the heart of my lover as she left in mine."

I felt tears rolling down my cheeks and tingling at the end of my jaw line. I will love you more than my own live. "You should know that you are amazing." I stressed the 'are' to let him know that it is true and I won't let him thing otherwise.

"I am coming Spiderman and you won’t escape me!" I heard Masons voice. God I forget we were here with him. Even though I wanted to play with Mason I wanted to talk longer with Ryan. But there is no escaping now, Spiderman is coming to get us.


Hey you guys! Thank you for voting!!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY I WAS WHEN I SAW THE VOTES!

Any ways ;) I know this is a short chapter, but I want to know the next chapter will be an Epilogue!!! I promise to make it an amazing end! I am looking forward to it! You too??? YOU BETTER BE!!

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