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Quincy's pov

2 weeks later (sorry I'm super lazy)

We sat in the children's visitation room for a good hour before three doctors came out, each holding one of the triplets. I stood up and quickly met them in the middle as they handed me Dean, Zach held Raven and my mom held Leia. This was the first time they had been out of the incubators since they were born.

Z: um it's kinda sticky.

Q: the doctors said it's totally normal. I said chuckling.

Z: um, ok?

I laughed at him as I started to rock dean. All of a sudden he started to repeatedly twitch. Being concerned I quickly walked to get a doctor. Eventually I found one.

D: may I help you?

Q: something's wrong. I said handing dean over to him.

He ran into a room and told me I couldn't be in there. I started panicking and pacing back and forth. An also panicked Zach came running towards me.

Z: what's wrong? Wait, where's dean?

Q: he started twitching  really bad so I went to go get a doctor. They took him back and told me I wasn't allowed in there. I said putting my head in the crook of his neck.

Z: it's gonna be ok, I promise.

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