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*I know it's been forever, I'm SO SORRY!*

Zach's pov

I was outside playing ball with Reese and Ryan when Quincy came out looking like her celebrity crush asked her out.

Q: ZACH! She yelled running towards me.

Z: what?

Q: can I talk to you alone? She said smiling.

Z: um yea sure. Your room?

She nodded and took my hand and went up to her room. She jumped on the bed and patted the empty spot next to her for me. I sat down next to her, I looked into her eyes. Holy mother of Jesus she was so beautiful.

Q: stop looking at me like that!

Z: I can't help it, you're just so, what's the word?

Q: ugly, I know.

Z: no, it's on the tip of my tongue! 

Q: I swear if you say beautiful I will punch you.

Z: that's it! Beautiful. I said chuckling.

She slapped my arm.

Q: seriously, we need to talk.

Z: ok talk.

Q: well, my mom knows that we have this thing between us.

Z: and?

Q: she'll alow it.

Z: what?

Q: us, together.


The word played in my head over and over again. The last time I heard that word was when I saw my mom for the last time.

"We'll be together again one day."

That was the last thing she had said to me.

I was put back into reality when I heard my name.

Q: Zach?

Z: sorry, um I was lost in thought, I guess?

Q: You ok?

Z: yea I'm fine.


Z So,Quincy Nicole Hosterman, would you be my girlfriend?

Her expression completely changed. It was adorable.

Q: I-i uh, um I'd lo-love to! She said completely shocked.

She must have not expected me to ask that fast.

I just laughed and grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me.

Z: finally your mine.

Goner//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now