Chapter 5: Risking It All

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·Grace's POV·

Archer stood there with his hand hanging in the air, waiting for me to shake it. It's not that simple, doesn't he see it?

"My hand is getting tired, you know?"

"You don't get it. You are asking me to risk my life for answers about your death. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to help. But what if that's how the nightmare begins? I'd be a goner in the blink of an eye. No offense."

He sighed and ran a hand through his dark brown hair.

"I know this might be the most dangerous and difficult situation you've been dragged into. But hear me out, Grace. We need different kinds of answers and we're the only ones who can help each other. I'm not letting anyone hurt you or taking you away. You are scared, I get it 'cause I am too. The difference here is that I don't have anything to lose. I'm already dead, aren't I?" He tried to cheer me up. He failed.

"Try to understand me too. This is all too overwhelming. Maybe this is what it takes for my premonition to start and I don't know if I'm ready to face it yet. I hate to admit it out loud... I'm scared, Archer."

"I know, but we're in this together. I will help you fight the darkness, whether you want me to or not." Archer smiled at me. It was that kind of smile which could melt even the coldest of hearts. Something about the way he looked at me made me feel safe, invincible. And, much to my dismay, reckless.

"Okay." I simply answered.

" Really?!"

"On one condition."

"Do tell, please."

"When the time comes, you'll be by my side to fight."

"Oh love, you didn't have state the obvious." He answered wearing a smirk which was up to no good.


"Grace, time to wake up!!" My mom shouted knocking on my door.

I muttered an incomprehensible sound. Never have I been this tired in my whole life. This night had been exhausting. After my chat with Archer, I told him it was late and that I needed to return home. He totally understood and let me leave, but I had to promise that I would return tonight. I get it, he's lonely in St. George and wants some company. That, and the fact that we must solve a double mystery: 1- Find as much information about his death as possible. 2- Work out the significance of my nightmare.
I have the feeling that they may be connected. Blame my gut.

After I cleaned myself up for the day, my phone started ringing. It was Toli.

"Well, hello stranger." Toli said straight away.

"Sorry, who's that? I recognize neither your voice nor your number." I continued the joke.

"Have you deleted my number, young lady?!"

"Joking, I would never! Even if I did, I'd still know it by heart."

"That's what I like to hear."

"Is Katherine there?"

"Yeap, right in front of me. We're having lunch at Molly Malone's. I know what you're gonna say: 'How dare you eat at my favorite restaurant without me and blah blah blah'."

"Wait, lunch?" I asked confused. I looked at the clock. What?! 1 pm?!

"Don't tell me you just woke up."

"Then, shall I stay silent or...?"

"Who are you and what have you done with my goody two shoes of a best friend? Oh, Katie wants to talk to you too, hold on."

I heard the phone's transition from Toli to Katie's hand. I also heard the latter drop it to the floor.


I can almost see Katie rolling her eyes at her while huffing.

"Hey Grace, what's up?"

"I'm concerned about your life right now."

"Is this about the mobile phone issue? Don't sweat it. Toli is being her usual self. There isn't even a scratch, for God's sake!!"

I had to laugh at that. They always fight like a married old couple, but at the end of the day they couldn't imagine themselves without the other.

"Oh and,Grace? Guess what!" Toli asked me through the speaker.


"Your mum texted me yesterday and she invited us to pass a week there with you!!"

Well, that was unexpected. Not that I'm complaining.

"It was supposed to be a secret!" Katie scolded.

"Shit, sorry."

"Don't worry guys, I'll practice my best fake-surprise face. They won't notice a thing."

"We hope so. Rebecca will kill us otherwise."

"She'll kill YOU. I said nothing."

"Stop it Kitty Kat."

"Oh no, you didn't! That's a low-blow, you know I hate that nickname!"

"Okay girls, I have to head downstairs. Talk to you real soon! Love you."

"Love you too!" They said in unison.

I hung up and became aware of the existence of a problem. A very big problem. How am I going to escape and meet Archer without my friends noticing whilst they are here?


A.N: Hi! They have a deal! But I'm sure you guys see that coming. Now the problems are Toli and Katherine. What's Grace going to do about it?

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