Chapter 30: Be Strong For Her

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·Archer's POV·

Everything that involves being around Grace or thinking about her is way too complicated. I mean, I won't say that I regret meeting her. You'll never hear those words leave my mouth, that's for sure. However, I won't deny the fact that she has transformed my "life" into an emotional roller coaster: We laugh, talk without any kind of filter and tease one another; the next minute we are arguing and putting distance between us. I can feel said distance getting larger and larger after every fight of ours and I don't like it at all. The less we let our true selves show around each other, the more my already dead heart breaks. Don't ask me how is that even possible, but it is.

Now that she's is here for a bunch of days, I guess that our friendship will become as strong as it once was. Put emphasis on the word friendship because I feel like our relationship is over by now. Won't say I didn't see that coming though.

Nonetheless, I still love her with all my heart and soul.

I really don't think anyone recalls the moment they started to fall in love with someone. You keep going through your memories shared with that special person and that's when you notice it. In that moment, not being able to decide which memory is your favorite out of them all, you become aware of how head over heels in love you were since the very start.

I like comparing that feeling with a sandcastle. You start building it little by little, putting all of your effort into it and not knowing exactly what you are doing. Then, the castle starts to take shape in front of your eyes, but you still don't imagine how the final result will look like. Once it's completely built, you are so proud of your work, which started as something so simple and turned out to be your personal masterpiece. Not everyone will think it's worth the appreciation, but it is more than enough for you. That's it until someone decides it's hilarious to tear it down, leaving you devastated.

And right now? Yeah, let's say I'm in the last phase.

Some time has passed since I left Grace unpacking in my old room -what leads me to why she is here. That douche, Scott, has ruined her life out of jelousy and childishness. I can't believe he did that to her, after proclaiming his undeniable love in high school. As if being rejected gives you the power to try to destroy her. What a stubborn asshole. He better pray that I never bump into him.

God only knows what I'd do to his face. And every bone of his body, to be honest.

Okay, relax a bit Archer. You don't want to start kicking things with Grace around, do you?

Yeah, let's concentrate on the important person here. For the last four agonizing hours, Grace hasn't called me even once and it concerns me.

I'll go and check on her, it's two in the morning after all.

As I was walking down the corridor, a piercing as well as dreadful scream coming from my old bed room was heard.


I reached the door in a few strides and opened the door. I sighed in relief when I spotted her on top of the bed without any evident harm. Nevertheless, she was covered in a thin layer of sweat which shone under the moonlight.

"You scared me." I told her, closing the distance between us.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb. Just a nightmare."

"Do you still get them? We've already met."

"The dream isn't just about you and me Archer. " Grace looked at me while saying it. "It's about the darkness and how he wants me next. Who knows when that will be. Today? Next week? In ten years? I. Don't. Know. And now I tend to have two each night, one always around two or three and the second one around four or some times even later."

My poor Grace. Not a night passes without her sleep being interrupted several times by that nightmare. How I wish I could carry part of the weight, freeing her from the personal torture.

"We will be prepared for when it comes, you'll see." I decided to forget about my vow of not touching her again in an affective way and took her hand in mine, kneeling in front of her. She needs reassurance, she needs me.

"I'm not letting the darkness take you away from me, Grace. I won't give you up for the world."

Grace stared at me with her almond shaped eyes, dark circles under them due to the lack of sleep.

"You should keep resting, we'll talk about it in the morning." I kissed her forehead and stood up to leave.

She nodded and yawned, exhausted.

The moment I started walking towards the door, a hand softly caught my wrist, making my head turn in her direction.

"Can you stay here, with me?" The sleepy head asked me with a groggy look on her face.

I thought about it for a second. I shouldn't be doing it, but this isn't about me or my feelings anymore. It's about her. Grace is scared and she wants me by her side.

"Yeah, sure."

She moved next to the wall, leaving me some space to lay down and I did so. My arm went around her waist and pulled her body closer to mine. Her head rested on my chest as well as her hand. I don't remember when or how I started to play with her hair, but I love the feeling. I love how we are right now. I love her.

Just as she has read my mind, before she completely fell asleep I heard her mutter:

"I love you Archer."

I froze in my spot. Is this real?

Grace loves me.


Ladies and gentlemen, after that declaration, I suddenly feel like the luckiest man on earth. I thought she was too afraid of falling in love with me.

Guess she's no longer scared, and I couldn't be happier.

I swear I can't wipe the silly smile off my face. Our actual position is hilarious: We're both laying in bed, Grace resting her head on top of my chest completely dead to the world and me hugging her close and thanking my lucky stars for this fulfilling experience.

She loves me and I love her. Now there's no doubt.

But life isn't always fair with anyone. Our curse is to be separated by death, depriving us of the opportunity to be a couple. Despite that fact, we still stick together. Why do we hold on to each other so tightly? Because we might be afraid something this great won't happen to us twice. I know for a fact that it won't happen to me at least. She is the love of my life, period.

And I hope I'm hers, as selfish as it may be. Things like this always find their way, no exceptions.

So much for the personal space vow I intended to keep. But what can I say? Self-control and I don't go hand in hand when Grace is close.


A.N: Can you feel the love tonight? Grace has proclaimed her love for Archer almost unconsciously. He's believed her because it is said that when you are starting to fall asleep, your subconscious steps in and takes control of your head. That makes us tell the absolute truth before nodding off. So that's what happened to Grace, just so you know.

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