Late Night Moments: Shane Madej

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~~~~Shane Madej - "I'm not lazy, I'm on energy saving mode

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Shane Madej - "I'm not lazy,
I'm on energy saving mode."

Tapping away on your computer, the sounds of the keyboard clicking was the only sound that surrounds the empty room. You and Shane were one of the only people left in the office. You agreed to stay overtime with Shane to help him edit somethings for Ruining History. Your neck suddenly started to ache as your body quickly became surrounded with discomfort, forcing you to stop. You groaned tiredly as you glanced up from your laptop screen to see Shane, with a laser-like focus on editing. You can tell how tired he felt as he yawned and kept typing.

You really didn't prefer working overtime and almost till the next day, but you had to confess; the only reason you did it was because of Shane. Staying overtime with him really bonded your friendship with him and even sparked a little crush on the tall fellow. Okay, maybe a big crush, but you managed to keep it cool, almost surprising yourself.

You smirked to yourself as you planned to make Shane take a break. His workaholic needs can give a little time to rest right? "Shane?" You called out to him. No answer. "Shane?" You tried again. But still, nothing. Waving your hand in front of his face, calling out to him. "Earth to Shane Alexander Madej?" He finally snapped out of his workaholic trance as he removed his earphones around his neck. "You wanna take a break? It's..." you trailed off, looking at your watch. "1:30 in the morning. How about some coffee?" You asked. He stretched in his chair, lazily star-fishing it with his long limbs. "Yeah, a coffee break sounds, splendid." He said with a smile. Getting up from your seat you walked around the desk beside his sitting figure. "C'mon, let us go." You said as you tapped his chair from behind. He tiredly sighed, and didn't get up from his chair but just let his head fall back. "Yeah, I'll wait here Y/N." he said. You smiled and shook your head. He always had a way to make you laugh and smile. Walking towards the back of his chair, you gently lifted his head in your hands and looked down at him. "C'mon Madej! You need a rest! And you need to stretch those long limbs of yours. Don't be lazy!" You said humorously. He looked up at you and booped your nose.

"I'm not lazy, I'm just on energy saving mode." He said casually. You laughed at his attempt for you to get the coffee. Although it made him smile thinking about you being happy, it didn't work. "That was good. But, you're coming with me to get that coffee and a well-rewarded break." You said, lowering your face to his before booping his nose with your finger, returning the boop.

He sighed tiredly, but with a smile. "Alright then." He said as he sat up from his chair and followed you to the canteen. Upon arriving at the canteen, you and Shane see some familiar faces. Freddie, Andrew and Garrett. Exchanging some small chat with the three before they separated ways. Freddie was just about to leave and was talking to Andrew. Andrew was just having a coffee break as he waited for Steven to come back with some takeout, and Garrett also getting ready to leave as he saw Freddie and Andrew. As they departed, it left Shane and Y/N alone in the canteen. Your heart pounded so loud, you swore Shane could've even heard it. But, you kept your cool. Making a bunch of coffee and waiting for the machine to pull through, you couldn't reach the cabinet above you for the sugar. Suddenly, Shane took it upon himself to get it for you. "Don't need to stress yourself to get it Y/N," he said with a small laugh. You shook your head in disbelief. "I was... stretching." You gave a fake excuse as you both laughed tiredly.

The coffee maker finally finished as the two of you got into some small talk. As you listened to Shane you found yourself thinking about him in awe; his tall figure, daring smile and that sense of humour that always found a way to make you happy, even on the darkest of days. You loved that about him. Taking a few sips of your coffee, his voice took you back to reality. "Y/N?" he asked, waving a hand in front of your face. Blinking a few times you came back to the present and nodded. Your mug meeting your lips again. "Y/N, I was thinking, maybe if we aren't sleep deprived and it's not 2:00 in the morning, how about we, go and uh, get some lunch together?" he asked and casually took a sip of his coffee. In shock and excitement, you spilled your coffee on the floor, the light brown liquid making splashes on the black floors and on your brown boots.

He quickly made his way to help you clean up until you gently settled your hand on his arm. "Yeah, I'd like that." you say with a smile. He returned with another joke, as you shook your head again as you both cleaned up the mess on the floor, before getting back to work.


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