They'll Definitely Understand: Eugene Lee Yang

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~~~~Eugene Lee Yang - "You smiled and all I could think of for a moment was, 'oh shit

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Eugene Lee Yang - "You smiled
and all I could think of for a
moment was, 'oh shit.'"

Walking from the canteen with a cup full of grapes you plopped one in your mouth as you returned to the film room. You were helping with The Try Guys and their new video, Ashly asking for extra help to film. Entering the film room the boys were chatting from the other side of the room, taking a break and sipping coffee. Ashly walked up to you tiredly. "Hey Ash, I got some snacks for us. Reenergize us for the meantime." You said offering her the fruit in the styrofoam cup. "Thank God you're here Y/N. I really don't know what I'd do without your help." She said opening her mouth as Y/N plopped a grape in her mouth. "Here, I'm going to get more food from the canteen. You can go ahead and shoot the next scene with the guys. I'll be back." Ashly said with a smile as she carefully handed her camera to you; carefully handing it and putting the safety strap around your neck. You nodded in agreement as you held the camera in one hand and making sure the camera on the tripod didn't go in sleep mode during the duration of the break. This video involved The Try Guys with filming, as well as a photo shoot and major editing, that you had the opportunity to help with a big chunk.

As you got the camera to wake up again, you were met with a smiling Eugene. You crooked an eyebrow at him as he stood straight to meet your eyes. "Good one." You said with a chuckle as you looked down at the camera in your hand and took it off sleep mode. Eugene, walking around the tripod and settling behind you, over-watching what you were doing from behind. His chin gently laying on top of your head. Your short figure feeling engulfed with Eugene's tall one. A smile crept onto your face, gently letting the camera hang from the strap around your neck. "The view from up there good?" You joked. You felt Eugene laugh as he put his hands on your shoulders. "Definitely. You should try it sometime." He continued the joke as you shook your head and spun around to face him.

You and Eugene had been dating for almost a month now, and haven't told any of your friends at work. Both of you agreed that it wasn't time to reveal it yet, so both of you had to keep it on low for a while. And you had to admit, it was extremely hard to hide when you had the urge to kiss Eugene's pretty little face when he was doing something adorable or look at him like he's your everything every time he made you laugh. Especially when hanging around friends and co-workers. Although, you had to admit that sneaking out of plans just to stay at his place seemed reasonable. Almost every day, your friends at Buzzfeed have been making plans with you in it, and it did push you into a pit of guilt when you would always blow them off. You convinced yourself that once everyone knows, it'll all be forgiven; at least you hoped.

Quickly opening your apartment door, Eugene's hands fell to your waist, and his lips settled on your neck from behind. His actions slowing you down from removing your key from the key lock to open your door. "Come on," you said breathlessly as you held onto Eugene's wrist and lead him in. He quickly shut your door and locked it, as you then wrapped your arms around his neck; greeting him back with a kiss. Returning the kiss, the two of you spun so that he was pinning you against your door and his hands wandered freely at the hem of your skirt. His lips attacking your neck and collarbone, leaving marks everywhere. You softly moaned as you felt his hands settle on your ass. "Jump." Was all he said and you followed suit—legs wrapped around his waist. "I hope Quinta and Ashly aren't mad, that I blew them off once, again." You said between breaths as you let Eugene leave marks on your body, and your legs tightening around him. "They'll definitely understand, once we show them these marks." He said quickly and continued. You gave a little chuckle at the thought. 'I hope.' You mentally told yourself. Suddenly you felt Eugene harden underneath his jeans and heat pooling down between your legs. You bit your bottom lip as you kissed Eugene on the lips again, letting your hands reach down at his leather belt. He broke the kiss and laid his forehead on yours. You smiled and innocently looked at him. "I love you Y/N." He said softly. A bright smile painted your face. "I love you too Eugene." You said as he carried you to your bedroom.

'They'll definitely understand.' A small wave of guilt settled in your stomach from the memory and words from Eugene last night. "You doing anything tonight? I heard that Netflix added the new season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine," he said. "I totally would, but, I gotta edit two videos and release them tomorrow morning." You said with a puppy-dog pout. "We will though, don't worry." You said in a hushed whisper and winked at him. Eugene's face lit up like a child on Christmas. "Oh shit." You said to yourself, and Eugene catching it. "What?" He curiously asked. His innocent face makes you want to kiss him. "Just, You smiled and all I could think of for a moment was, 'oh shit.'" You said softly in a loving tone, keeping it to a minimal. Eugene's cheeks looked blushed as he lightly punched you in the arm as he returned to the rest of the guys.

"God, can't you guys just tell everyone you're dating already?" Ashly asked as she suddenly put a hand on your shoulder. You suddenly got startled and quickly whipped your head around to face her. "What?" You said, trying to act innocent and confused. "You and Eugene," she trailed off and nudged you. "I'm not dating Eugene." You gave Ashly your best attempt at acting before she gave you a 'nice-try-Raphael' look. "Okay, so what? We're just not ready to tell anyone yet." You said quietly to her and pulled her off to the side. "So when are you guys going to tell everyone then? I mean, it's clearly obvious both of you are dating." She said with a laugh as she lightly munched on a cookie from the canteen.  "What do you mean 'obvious'? I'm doing a pretty good job at keeping it on the down low. Same with Eugene." You tried to tell Ashly, but she shook her head in disappointment. "Oh, sweet innocent Y/N, I wish you could see it through everyone else's eyes." She gave a chuckle as you crooked an eyebrow in honest confusion. Ashly gave you a soft pat on the shoulder as she returned to the tripod.

Eugene coming back to you, shoving his pockets in his dress pants. "Can I talk to you for a moment?" He asked politely. You gave a nod as you followed him outside the filming room. You both stopped at an empty hallway and leaned on the wall. You also had something to talk to him about and you opened your mouth to start. "I think we should tell everyone about us." You both said in unison. Blinking, you both let out a chuckle at the moment. Great minds think alike. "Who told you?" You asked. "The guys. You?" He asked. "Ashly." Both of you gave nods, then settling on telling everyone; walking back to the filming room.

As both you and Eugene entered the room Eugene got everyone's attention. "Everyone, random news announcement, but," he trailed off, taking a glance at you. You gave a smile and a slight nod as he continued. "Y/N and I are dating." He revealed (finally) and let his hand hold yours. Both fingers intertwining. "Finally!" Ned yelled in relief, with a smile on his face. "It was so obvious!" Keith yelled out too, giving Ned a high-five. "Yeah, I totally ship you guys," Zach said excitedly as he gave small claps. Ashly quickly ran out the door to drag Andrew in. "What are you doing?" He asked as she dragged Andrew in with her hand on his wrist. "Winning." She said. "Say it again," Ashly asked. Both you and Eugene looked at each other and shrugged. "Y/N and I are dating." Eugene said simply. "Finally!" A bunch of people yelled in unison. You and Eugene were startled as Steven, Freddie, Kelsey, Ryan, Shane and Sara appeared at the door. "Right?" The three other Try guys said happily behind both you and Eugene. "And that means, Ned and I win Andrew. Hand over the money." Ashly said as Ned quickly ran over to Ashly, giving her a high-five. "But wait, everyone else bet on this right?" Andrew said to all the people at the door. Ashly looked confused as everyone confessed their bets. Sara, Shane, Steven and Andrew bet that you were going to be the first one to announce it, and Ryan, Freddie, Kelsey, Ashly and Ned bet that Eugene was going to announce it—but Ashly and Andrew had the original bet before they dragged seven more people in it.

"What?" You asked awkwardly as they all exchanged their money to the winning team. "Wait!" Yelled Zach from behind. "When did you start dating?" He asked eagerly. "A little over a month ago." You answered with a smile. Eugene letting your hand go and making it's way to your waist. You felt his strong hand gripping your waist gently. "Damn it." Keith then sighed and took out his wallet, handing Zach $50. "Thank you sir." He said happily. "You guys are really cute by the way." Freddie said breaking the awkward ice. Everyone murmured in agreement. "Yeah, I thought Eugene didn't have feelings and emotions." Kelsey said with a laugh. "Then call this emotion." Eugene said as he lifted and spun you and gave you a kiss. Your arms quickly made it's way around his neck as you passionately kissed him. Both of you departed the kiss with a smile as everyone clapped and happily yelled in unison. 'They'll definitely understand'. You thought back at Eugene's words. He was right after all.

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