Smile: Jen Ruggirello

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Jen Ruggirello x Fem!Reader (Buzzfeed's Ladylike)

Requested by: @flaming-gay-trash (Tumblr)

A/N: I never see anything written for my girls over on Ladylike, so might as well write this to fulfill this request as a writer and to unleash more appreciation of the Ladylike girls because they deserve more love around here. Also, sorry if this is too short.

Additional Notes:
Y/N - Your Name


"It's Ladylike, and today Jen and I are going to get matching tattoos today! Are you excited?" Devin boasted to the camera as she turned to a smiling Jen. "Yeah, I can't wait." She said as Devin gave some small claps of excitement.


The cast and crew travelled to a popular tattoo salon in LA  and interviewed the manager about the store and as well as a tattoo artist about the history of tattoos. The place looked super retro, and surprisingly not your typical stereotype tattoo parlour. Jen and Devin were surprised for the most part. "Ooh, this is going to be fun!" Devin whispered to Jen off camera. "What do you think we should get? Something small? Spicy? Dashing?" Devin suggested with some glee in her voice. "Probably something small, and dashing is definitely the wrong word to use Devin." Jen chuckled as they discussed. The cameras turned on again and as they started rolling, two tattoo artists approached both girls, greeting themselves. "Hi, my name is Leah, as you guys already know, and this is Y/N. The two of us will be the ones to get your tattoos done for today!" Leah said with a smile. Devin and Jen looked at each other with smiles at the girls. "Okay, so first things first, what are you guys planning to get?" Asked Y/N. "Would you like to say it, Jen?" Asked Devin. "Oh yeah, sure," Jen gave a nervous chuckle before continuing. "So, Devin and I thought about it and we thought having a small tattoo on our ankles would be great." Y/N nodded, taking a mental note. Something about Jen, however, caught Y/N's attention. She continued. "And we thought that small tattoo on our ankle would be the three letter word; fly." As Devin and Jen said 'fly' at the same time. "We thought we wanted something we both liked that was simple, yet charming and empowering for almost any situation," Jen added. "That's really great! Well, we should get started then shall we?" Leah said as she leads them to the parlour chairs.

"Wow, these are comfy!" Devin said as she sat down on them, instantly giving into the comfort. "Now, Devin, I'll do your tattoo and Y/N will do Jen's." She said as the cameras would pan from Devin to Jen. Jen sat on the chair, getting comfortable as Y/N strapped some gloves in and reached for some rubbing alcohol and cotton, as well as a ballpoint pen. "So Jen, are you excited? Nervous?" Y/N said as she gently disinfected and cleaned a small part of Jen's ankle. "Oh yeah, just a little bit. The pain ya know," she trailed off, watching Y/N's swift moves. "Don't worry, it's tolerable pain. And, it'll be done before you know it." Y/N gave the warmest smile, as Jen felt her nerves relax and her shoulders meet the back of the chair. Something about Y/N charmed Jen, but she didn't know what. She wanted to know more about her.

Cameras panned from Devin and Leah to Jen and Y/N, filming the artists write the word in two different fonts for the two ladies, but looking absolutely great for an outline. "What would have to be your favourite tattoo you have on yourself?" Jen asked as she noticed a couple of tattoos that decorated Y/N's arms. As Y/N finished the outline, she looked at her arms and shoulders, scanning for her favourite tattoo. "This one!" She said holding out her wrist; decorated with a sun coloured with the lesbian flag stripes. "This one represents me the most, as I have never created such a simple yet brilliant piece of art before I put this on myself. It just describes who I am on the inside and out." She said as Jen's face lit up. Y/N returned with a chuckle as her head tilted to the side, looking at Jen. "What?" Jen asked curiously as she followed Y/N's actions. "I just thought you look better smiling. You should smile more." Jen felt heat stead across her cheeks and happiness.

The camera had filmed equal parts of both Devin and Jen's tattoo journey. At first, both girls were jumpy at the prickling of pain, but they were right; they did get to be a tolerable pain. The time and the deep conversations between Jen and Y/N seemed like it lasted for hours. Talking about past experiences, what It means to be a part of the LGBTQ+ community, favourite places to eat around LA and many more. Although Jen felt a small amount of sadness when they were finished. "That looks amazing, wow!" Jen said, slowly moving her leg to see the three letters shine in the light from each angle. Devin squealed in happiness as she had to take an instant photo for her Instagram story.

Devin and Jen filmed the closing card to the video, thanking the parlour and their amazing tattoo artists Leah and Y/N, as well as the manager. As the cameras turned off, the rest of the crew members cleaned up the equipment and also thanked the staff at the parlour. Jen was talking to Devin about posting their tattoos on their Instagram story when Y/N came up to Jen and tapped her shoulder. Turning around, she was met with Y/N's warm smile and a blush staining her cheeks. "Hey, that coffee place you mentioned you love going to al the time? You should take me some time." She happily said and handed Jen the tattoo parlour's business card with her personal phone number at the back. Jen's eyes widened and she smiled shyly; giving off a chuckle. "Yeah, totally. See you there on Friday at lunch?" She asked confidently. "Yeah, I'll be looking forward to that Jen." Y/N said with a smirk and met up with the manager again. Devin then pulled her aside after the interaction. "I can't believe you did that, Jen! I'm proud of you!" Devin's tone elated as she gave Jen and a quick hug. "Yeah, me too." Jen said with a blush and smile creeping along her soft features.

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