"Sister Secret"

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"Shall we get started with the video?" Emma asked the others.

"Is y/n going to be in the video?" James asked.

"I mean if you guys want me too..." I reply nervously, causing the group to smile.

"Of course we want you in the video! It will be fun." Ethan stated as the others agreed. I couldn't help but blush due to how nice they were.

"So who is shopping for who?" Grayson asked.

"I'm shopping for Ethan!" James yelled, making Emma jump in surprise.

"Why me?"

"Because you have no sense of style, you need an upgrade sister." All of us bursted in laughter except Ethan who was scowling at James.

After a few minutes, we all decided that we were going to pick names out of a hat. We would keep the names as a secret so that we could guess who bought our outfit when we tried it on. Luckily for me, there was a budget of $100 which was an alright amount. I didn't want to spend too much.

I went into H&M since I was shopping for Emma and immediately went to the denim section. There were so many things that I loved in the store which made me kind of wish that I was shopping for myself.

It didn't take me long to find the outfit at all, I was in and out of the store within half an hour. Emma was so easy to shop for.

That's when I began to wonder who got me, I hoped that it was someone who would get me cute stuff.

While strolling through the mall, I spotted James on the other side of the level as he came out of Gucci. Fancy. He spotted me and had a huge smile on his face, waving at me like crazy. I made my way over to him and brought him into a quick hug.

"Being pricey are we?"

"Oh honey, this is for me."

I couldn't help but burst out into laughter as people around us were staring, making James giggle while trying to shut me up.

"Who did you get?" He asked.

"We can't say sister, we have to keep it a secret."

"A sister secret."

"Indeed. Have you finished with the outfit yet?"

"Oh yeah, I finished like ages ago."

"Shall we text the others."

James paused for a while, obviously thinking about something. "I just wanna try something first, come with me." I looked at him with a confused expression on my face as he took my hand and lead me into Louis Vuitton.

"Yo, what are we doing?" I asked as James scanned the shop and ran off into the clothing section. I rushed after him to see him grabbing a black, tight fitted dress that was gorgeous to say the least.

"I saw this and immediately thought of you. You would kill this y/n, go try it on."

Before I could object, James pushed me towards the fitting rooms and told me to get dressed. I decided to obey, not wanting to start a non-stop argument.
It didn't take me long to slip on the dress since it only had a small zip at the side, and let me tell you that it was unbelievably comfy.

Once I viewed myself in the mirror, I stepped outside to see James with his mouth wide open. I began to laugh at how exaggerated he was.

"Y/N YOU LOOK LIKE A FREAKING MODEL OMG!" James squealed as he got out his phone.

"W-what are you doing?" I muttered.

"Taking pics, duh!"

"You know I won't buy this, it is wayyyyyy to expensive."

"Don't be silly sister, I'm buying it for you."

My eyes widened. "James, you really shouldn't."

"It's a "Welcome to the Sister Squad" gift."

"I'm in the group now?" I couldn't help but smile like a maniac as James took the photos.

"Hell yeah! I like you and I can tell that the twins like you, so welcome to the group."

James and I walked out of the store with our arms linked, chatting about tips for videos and fans. I really got along with James which made me feel even closer to Emma.

"The others are by the exit, we'll go meet up with them now." James stated once we walked down the escalators. "Are you excited to see who got you?"

"Definitely, who do you think has you?"

"Emma, I don't know why but I have a gut feeling you know."

We exited Bloomingdales to see the other three leaning against the building, talking to each other until James and I arrived. I couldn't help but stare at Grayson, he looked so freaking perfect as the sunlight reflected his features. Everything about him, I loved. His eyes, his hair, his jawline, his arms, I could go on and on.

"Did you shop for yourself, James?" Grayson asked while raising his eyebrow. It was so hot.

"What!? I couldn't help it!" James snapped, causing Grayson to throw his hands up in defence. "Did everyone record their shopping journey on their cameras?" We all nodded in response.

"Let's head back to my apartment." Emma suggested before we got into our own cars and followed Emma to our destination.

This chapter was so bad I am so sorry, sucks when you have to write at last minute

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