"The Food Here Is Shit"

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I entered the empty hospital room, my eyes scanning the surroundings as I wondered if I was actually in the right place. Ethan did say room 118, and that's where I was. I quickly opened the door before closing it, no surprise, the number on the door was 118.

Without hesitation, my feet dragged against the floor, carrying me towards the clean hospital bed that looked as if it was untouched.

He must be here. Unless I am deaf or Ethan is playing a trick on me (which he wouldn't during a time like this), then how could I be wrong?

After a few seconds of blankly gazing at the bed, I noticed a nightstand next to it with an item on top that triggered my brain.

Grayson's phone.

With that, a door across the room clicked open, causing my head to snap towards the direction. Behind it, revealed a shirtless Grayson who looked like he just had a shower. Before turning around and shutting my eyes closed, I noticed the water droplets on his body and toned abs which I had now seen for the first time in person (I liked watching the Dolan Twins okkkkkkk). But this time, the abs were covered with cuts and bruises.

"Y/n! W-what are you doing here?" Grayson asked, causing my cheeks to heat up do to embarrassment.

"Emma and Ethan told me that you wanted to see me. Sorry, I'll go if you want me to." I could hear ruffles in the background before Grayson spoke again.

"It's ok, you can open your eyes now."

My eyes slowly opened before turning back to Gray, noticing that he was now wearing a turquoise hospital gown. Before I could say anything, a lump was formed in my throat due to holding back the tears. The sight of Grayson, the boy I loved broke my heart. A massive purple bruise was over his right, swollen eye, a busted lip and a small patch of dried up blood on his forehead. He was a mess. (A hot mess tho 😏)

"How are you?" Grayson asked as if we hadn't spoken in years.

"The question is how are YOU?! Gray what happened?" I asked, desperately trying to stay strong, he didn't need to hear or see my grief. Not now anyway.

"I'm ok, really. It's just a few cuts, nothing serious." He looked down at the floor as he spoke (well more like muttered). "The doctor said that I should be out of here in a week and I can't wait, the food here is shit." Grayson chuckled before looking up and straight into my eyes, making my heart swell.

I sat down on the bed before patting a seat next to me, causing Gray to slowly take the space. Who knew that silence could be such a deadly weapon.

"Tell me what happened." I demanded, barely audible but loud enough for him to look straight into my eyes before taking a deep breath.

"This morning, Emma and I wanted to go see you and I decided to drive. She obliged of course but we both knew that I was definitely the better one." Grayson paused for a moment before continuing.

"We were about ten minutes from your house near the roundabout on the corner of the street when Emma stuck her head out of the car window. She was having so much fun that she wasn't aware that there was another car about to bang into her, so I focused on Emma to pull her back into the car because she couldn't hear me calling her. Before I knew it, the front of the car hit the middle of the roundabout. I'm glad that it was me rather than Emma."

I didn't say anything, I just sat there, motionless.

"After that, I woke up in this room with aches and pains, Ethan and Emma were here waiting for me to wake up. They left because they wanted to give me some space, so I decided to have a shower."

"So you weren't asking for me?" I asked, slightly disappointed.

"No, but that was because I didn't know that you were here. They didn't mention you."

"Well I'm glad to see that you are ok Grayson." I stated before patting his shoulder lightly, not wanting to hurt him. We looked into each other's eyes for a moment before a smile crept on both of our lips.

"I'm sorry that you had to come here on such a beautiful day, must be really wasting it huh." Grayson sighed before getting up from the bed.

"Grayson." I stood up and followed him towards the window, viewing LA in all its glory. "This really isn't a waste of my time. I came here the second I heard about the accident because I wanted to make sure that you were ok. Plus, I like spending time with you." I mentally cringed at the last part, regretting what could possibly make the conversation awkward.

As I was having a small panic attack, Grayson looked over at me, immediately calming me down before a smirk was plastered on his gorgeous yet bruised face. "I like spending time with you too, y/n."

My heart grew as my breathing became uneasy, not wanting to do anything else but to kiss him.

"Excuse me?" I heard an unknown voice behind me, Grayson and I looking over to view a nurse standing by the door. "We need to run a few tests on Mr Dolan, so could you please leave the room, Miss." She asked politely as I nodded.

"I'll see you in a bit." I whispered to Grayson before walking past the nurse and out of the room, heading down the corridors.

As I entered the lift, a memory flashed before my eyes, reminding me to quickly grab my phone from my pocket and dial a number. The phone rang a few times before my panicked self calmed down.


"Hi Diana it's y/n, from the premiere."

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