"She Was Twerking On The Counter"

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The music was blasting as I made my way from the living room into the kitchen, covering my ears with the palms of my hands. I then removed them due to needing my hands to get myself a glass of water, taking the last glass available from a wooden shelf before placing it under the running tap.
As I was waiting for the glass to be full, my eyes fell on James' younger brother Ian (another person I had gotten closer to recently) making out with a girl. I couldn't see her but I noticed that she had bright long blond hair (cough Loren cough).

Once the glass was fully contained with water, I grabbed the item before heading towards the backyard, hoping that it would be quieter there. I couldn't bare the music any longer, it was giving me the biggest headache ever.

The cold breeze brushed against my cheeks as I stepped outside, the music fading out slightly so that I could deal with it. I looked around James' new backyard and admired how beautiful and big it was. The area was mostly full of fresh and healthy grass, but a small section of it was covered with a small fountain on top of a layer of concrete. My fingers laced around the glass before placing it onto a table, stepping further into the hypnotising landscape, not noticing that a small smile had creeped onto my face.

"Enjoying the view?" I heard a familiar voice mutter, causing my smile to widen as I turned around, viewing the one and only Bryant.

"I didn't know that you were friends with James?" I stated as he walked closer to me, both of his hands in his pockets.

"More like acquaintances, he really invited me because of Emma. I did have a chance to talk to the guy, one of a kind isn't he?"

"He really is."

Bryant stood still once he was on my left, both of us admiring the scenery. "I know you're bummed, y/n." He whispered. "But you've gotta have fun, it's almost the end of 2018! Grayson would want you to have a good time." A sigh escaped my lips, not saying anything. "Plus look at Emma, sure she misses Ethan but she's making the most out of tonight. She was twerking on the counter in the kitchen earlier!"

We lightly laughed at the image before I decided to speak. "You have any new year's resolutions?"

"Just to collab with more people. Speaking of, we need to have another photo shoot together soon."

"We really do." I replied.

"What about you?"

"To be honest, I don't have one. I've accomplished so much in the past few months that I'm not sure if I can do much more."

"Watch how you win many awards this year." Bryant stated before I lightly nudged his shoulder. "You're gonna do great things in the future, y/n."

"Thank you."

"I'm just being honest." He chuckled before we brought each other into a side hug, Bryant resting his chin on the top of my head whilst lightly rubbing the side of my arm. "I'm gonna go inside, it's too cold out here." He said as we broke the hug. "You coming?"

"I'll meet you inside later, kinda just want time to myself for a bit." I replied, causing Bryant to nod and head back inside James' place.

Once Bryant disappeared, I made my way towards the fountain before taking a seat at the edge, the sound of water ripples filling my ears. I stared at the house not too far away, watching people dancing and talking outside on the steps that connected the building to the backyard. I also managed to catch a glimpse of James and Emma having the time of their lives with their friends, making me smile as I watched the scene. That was until Emma's eyes widened as her mouth dropped open, leaving her friends and disappearing further into the sea of people. The others didn't notice anything as they continued to sing along to "God's Plan" by Drake, which was later interrupted by the countdown arriving. The numbers echoed, starting from the number "30", slowly decreasing every second.

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