"He Already Knows That He's Ugly"

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My legs took giant leaps across the squeaky hospital floor beneath me, sprinting closer and closer towards the main office. Once I reached the main desk, I looked down at the old woman in front of me, trying to catch my breath as my pants became one of the many sounds in the room.

"Grayson Dolan?" I asked, surprised that she even heard me when her eyes shifted from me to her computer. What felt like hours were actually seconds as I tapped my foot rapidly on the ground, taking deep breaths in and out.

Eventually, the old lady's eyes met mine once again as a sympathetic smile creeped onto her lips. "I'm afraid you will have to be patient for a while and sit in the 'Waiting Room'." Her wrinkled finger pointed towards a door nearby which was slightly opened, causing me to nod quickly and pick up my feet once again.

With my heart racing and my mind spinning, I could feel my chest tighten as a tear threatened to leave my eye.

Not today.

As I wiped away the drop of salty water, I pushed the door open to view a few chairs taken, different families huddled together, some crying, some not.

"Y/n!" I heard someone yell, my sight falling onto Ethan and Emma, both of them standing up and walking towards me. My arms wrapped around both of them, holding them close as we comforted each other.

"Where are James and Bryant?" I asked after standing in silence.

"James has a business meeting and told us that he would visit Grayson later in the day. Bryant is on a plane to Amsterdam so we haven't told him yet." Ethan responded, sounding as if he was trying to hold back the tears.

I looked over to Emma, her face pale and drenched in tears, which contrasted to her bloodshot eyes that were full of sorrow and guilt. "What happened?"

"I think it's best if Grayson told you." She whispered, her voice croaky as her eyelids fluttered. She looked exhausted.

"Have any of you seen him?"

"No, the doctors had to put him in surgery immediately."

"Are you hurt, Emma?" She looked up at me before slowly and carefully rolling up her long sleeved turtle neck sweater, revealing a huge cut which was stitched up, bright red as if the accident happened minutes ago.

"We've been here for god knows how long, the doctors keep telling us that he'll be fine. But the more they tell us, the less I want to believe them." Ethan stated.

I didn't say anything, I mean what could I say. There was nothing I could do to make Ethan, Emma or myself feel better. Grayson was severely hurt, of course we were going to worry and cry about it. All I could do was be there for them so that they had company or someone to talk to.

"Are you family members of Grayson Dolan?" Someone asked, causing the three of us to turn around to view a nurse carrying a clipboard.

"Yes." Ethan replied.

"Yes." Emma lied.

The nurse watched me as I shook my head. "Only family members may see him now."

Ethan and Emma snapped their heads towards me, hesitant whether they should go or not.

"You go ahead, tell him that I'm here." I said, sending them a quick smile before taking a seat.

As they left with the nurse, I suddenly felt a wave of anxiety hit me like a truck, wondering if Gray was really fine.

Wondering what happened earlier.


Since Ethan and Emma went to visit Grayson, I had walked around the hospital, bought two Starbucks coffees (and drank both of them) and lost 76% of battery on my phone. I was sitting in the waiting room, bored in every part of my body, my head covered in my hands. The only occupied part was my mind, constantly echoing the same thoughts.

What happened?

When did it happen?

Where did the accident occur?

I mean this all happened so fast and no one was answering my questions, what else was I supposed to be thinking about-

"Y/n?" Ethan asked, causing my head to snap up from my previous sitting position. Emma and Ethan were standing next to each other, seeming slightly more relieved than they were the last time I saw them. "He wants to see you." My eyes widened as my heart stopped, what does he want to say to me. "Room 118. Just make sure that you don't freak out, it isn't as bad as it looks."

I nodded before standing up, rushing across the room and past the others. Before I could disappear behind the door, Ethan called for me. "Don't remind him about how he looks, he already knows that he's ugly." A smirk formed on his lips once he noticed that I was trying to hold back a smile.

"For once in your life, you might be the more attractive twin." I replied, walking away after Ethan's mouth dropped open in shock.

With a huge grin on my face, I rushed up the stairs (I was too lazy to wait for the elevator) so that I was on the second level. My eyes wondered each door that I passed, reading every number.



As I made my way down the corridor, I noticed a few patients in hospital gowns walk past, each one of them weak and helpless.

Poor them.

Poor Grayson.

My grin disappeared whilst my body froze, facing the number that I dreaded to read.


The small blue door may have been harmless but it seemed to have done a lot of damage to my head since I felt as if I was going to have a panic attack. But I couldn't, not in front of him.

You can do this, y/n.

With a few deep breaths, a curious mind and a hand on the metal door handle, I slowly twisted it, my eyes widening as I viewed what I wasn't expecting.

10K 10K 10K 10K!!

Omg 10 flipping K views, I can't even begin to say how great it felt to see that. A couple of chapters ago I had 5, now double?!

This is insane! (Not quoting Tom Holland's Peter Parker at all...)

Love every single one of you for the support, no matter if it is a comment, a vote or even a view, I am still grateful for it all.


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