"You're A Grandma!"

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*months later*

I'd still been receiving hate comments about how I would never be good enough for Grayson, even though it was over five months later and we hadn't communicated other than privately texting. His fans just didn't let it go.

More and more reports were coming in to get attention, saying that I confessed to a fan that I was dating him (which is the biggest fucking lie I've heard) and even Grayson "possibly" cheating on me as he was spotted with another girl at a carnival. Grayson texted me soon after explaining that it was just a relative of someone he used to be close friends with, only making small talk. I found it cute that he kept apologising and feeling guilty about accidentally revealing that we were a thing, but I mean he didn't say it was me.

My phone was buzzing with tweets the day I turned 18, both being birthday wishes and death threats, but I managed to be mature enough and push them aside. After reading the millionth hate rant, I rolled my eyes and switched off the device before continuing my focus on my makeup artist who was attempting to get my makeup done for the show.

Grayson hadn't texted me happy birthday which surprised me, so I sent him a "good morning" text to not make it so obvious. But he didn't respond. I was shocked but decided not to be offended by it, after all the twins were in New Jersey with their family, so I wouldn't be surprised if they cut off all communication on their phones. It was weird to think that I hadn't seen the twins in over half a year as tour was so long, it wasn't a normal tour where I would have concerts every day, instead the dates were more stretched out and in many different arenas and places. It was so much hassle and tiring that I doubted that I would be having another tour anytime soon.

"You're done." My makeup artist stated, giving me a chance to admire the look in the mirror, looking the exact same as my past shows.

"Thank you."

With that she left the room for me to change, reminding me that I would be going to bed at two tomorrow morning...


The London concert was going very well from the moment I stepped on stage, becoming excited by the screams and cheers I got from the fans. Although I performed most of the same songs so many times, I still enjoyed it as if it was my first.

I loved that the venue had a stage that went outwards into a circle so that I could communicate with more of my fans, which I used a lot. My feet ran across the circle with my hand held out to the crowd, coming in contact with every audience member along the front line as I sang my heart out. Lights were flashing and everyone was dancing around me, causing a wide smile to appear on my face behind the mic that I held in my hand, the other making hand gestures and waving to the fans.

The song finished quicker than I thought as I let out a deep breath of exhaustion, attempting not to collapse right then and there. Yet my eyes widened as the lights suddenly went off, knowing that this was not supposed to happen. My eyebrows raised as a spotlight focused on me to highlight my state, a huge screen right behind me turning white.

My thoughts rushed around my head uncontrollably with slight panic as I watched the screen, anticipated on what was going on.

But then a video began to play.

I covered my hands with my mouth as I viewed my parents, both of them sat at home with smiles on their faces.

"Happy birthday, y/n! Hope you have a wonderful 18th that we sadly couldn't celebrate with you." My mom stated.

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