"You're Obsessed With Her, Ethan!"

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^Can we just appreciate how hot they look in this photo^ 😩🤤😍

Our conversation was disrupted by the sound of my phone ringing, the song "She Walks Like Rihanna" by The Wanted echoing in the kitchen (such a throwback song omg).

My eyes widened once I realised who was calling me, holding up my index finger to Emma to tell her that I would just be a minute. Once she nodded, I got up from the chair and answered the call, walking away from Emma and towards the front door to have some privacy.

"Is everything ok, Diana?" I asked, chattering noises coming from the phone.

"Well not really y/n, we realised that a bit of your interview has disappeared from our files and that we need a few photos for the article. I'm sorry but we need you to come over immediately."

I sighed through the phone. "Can we possibly do it another day? My friend is really sick and I want to keep her company."

"Y/n, this article needs to be done and dusted immediately. It is now or never." Diana responded with a harsh voice.

My eyes shifted towards the kitchen, watching Emma as she continued to finish her soup whilst watching a meme compilation on YouTube, laughing away. "Give me ten minutes." I muttered before finishing the call and rushing over to Emma. "I need to deal with something, are you ok by yourself?" I asked her with apologetic eyes.

"Yeah yeah, of course. Go ahead." She replied almost immediately, causing me to smile and quickly hug her before grabbing my bag and rushing out of the house, muttering a quick "good bye, get well soon".

My feet picked up the pace so that I was sprinting towards my car, clicking the key so that the car lights flickered twice. Without hesitation, I got in the car and turned on the engine. Just as I was about to start the car, I heard another song coming from my bag, The Backyardigans ringing for a few seconds.


All I needed to do was accept the call to hear his voice. "Yo y/n, how are you and Emma doing?" He asked, sounding happy due to the name "Emma" escaping his lips.

"She is good, but I had to leave her since I had something to take of."

"So she is alone now?" Ethan said, sounding concerned yet excited at the same time.

"Yeah, why?"

"Nothing, I am just curious."

"You're obsessed with her, Ethan!" (Lol at this rate the book will be about Ethma, but they would be cute together so I gotta appreciate it at some point)

Ethan laughed before replying, letting me know that I was right. "I'll leave you to your "thing", see you later."

"See ya, E." Ethan ended the call before I could, finally giving me a chance to head over to Vogue.


"And final question, who would you say is your biggest inspiration when it comes to writing your songs?" One of the Vogue members asked with Diana standing close behind him, lights and cameras shining in my face as the plain white background outlined my figure. I took a deep breath before answering, knowing that my answer could go on for days.

"Um, well, I can definitely say that there is more than one inspiration when it comes to my songs, like my friends and family, artists that I have listened to all my life or just last night. My inspiration is anyone or anything that can have an affect on me in some way. I mean I do have this song that is coming out soon about someone very special to me."

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