"Bye, Whore-Asses!"

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Haha, Grayson in this pic 😂 lol

You guessed it, Ethan's plan was to make Grayson jealous, classic. I was going to reject the offer until he mentioned that he was into Emma which made sense since he would get something out of the plan.
I was hesitant about the idea since I didn't want to cause drama or throw Gray off, but I knew that I wasn't going to get his attention at all unless I did this. Ethan promised not to make any moves on me unless I wanted it, which made it easier for me to say yes.

The five us were packing our bags into the car, ready to say goodbye to Las Vegas.

"We are definitely going to Vegas next time we need a break." Grayson said as he threw one of his bags into the back.

"Whenever that is." Ethan responded before opening the front car door. Before he got in, his eyes met mine as he whispered the words "sit next to me".
I swallowed hard, my heart beating twice the speed it originally was as I put my last bit of luggage in the back. Soon after, I made my way to the passenger's seat and got in.

Emma obviously realised this since she walked over to where I was sitting and leant against the car door. "I thought I was sitting there for the blog?"

Although she didn't look mad or against me sitting next to Ethan, I suddenly felt a wave of guilt smack me in the head. "S-sorry, I'll move if you want."

"Nah it's ok dude." She replied before heading to the back of the car and sitting in the middle seat.

James and Grayson got in not long after, signalling that it was time for us to go.

With a clear view of Grayson through the car mirror, I knew that he wasn't going to give me any attention since he was constantly looking out of the window, his eyes emotionless. My gut instincts were kicking in, causing me to lightly tap Ethan. Shortly after his gaze quickly turned to me, I gave him eye contact, mentally telling him to follow my lead.

With a small nod, I slowly took off my jacket to reveal a black bodysuit that I wore underneath. It flattered my body to say the least, showing the right amount of cleavage. I looked over to Ethan to see him occasionally shifting his focus from me to the road, biting his lip in the process. A small giggle left my mouth, feeling slightly turned on which in a way scared me. Checking the car mirror, Grayson's eyes never moved which made me want to give up.

Just on cue, Ethan stepped in.

"Since when did you have that bodysuit?"

"Oh I got it whilst I was on a trip to Rio." I replied, a hint of rose displayed on my cheeks.

"You look really good, you should wear it more often."

I mentally thanked Ethan as I noticed Grayson's head shift to us, a small smirk displayed for Ethan to see. But not only did Grayson notice, but Emma did too which made me want to cheer so badly. My knees felt weak with curiosity due to Grayson's expression being very unreadable, pissing me off to a point where I wanted to scream (dramatic I know).

The drive was surprisingly quick since Ethan and I were enjoying the conversations we shared, getting closer to each other by the second. I didn't realise how little I talked to him until now and questioned myself why I didn't get to know about him and his childhood stories instead of learning them from Grayson.

"Here we are, home at last." Ethan stated, brining me out of my trance.

"I guess this is where we part." Emma responded, starting to get out of the car.

"For now." James said.

As the three others at the back were getting out, Ethan leant over to my side. "You did good today, soldier."

"Glad I was useful." I looked behind us, checking that the others weren't listening in. "This isn't over." Before getting out, I sent Ethan a quick wink, him responding with wide eyes and a sly smirk.

My eyes adjusted to the sunlight that directly shone on me, causing my hand to shade my eyes as I made my way to the others at the back. With all of their suitcases ready, they were bringing each other into hugs. I joined in, getting a hug from Emma, then James, then Ethan. Lastly, Grayson's armed were wrapped around my figure, pressing my head against his warm chest. I muttered a goodbye as we pulled apart and sent each other a small smile. Something must have caught his attention since his eyebrows scrunched together, making him look confused.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

The blush crept on my cheeks once again, but I couldn't help it. "I-I just need to get to bed, I'm exhausted!" As much as I wanted to tell him the truth, I couldn't say that thinking about the two of us not being together was the problem. I wouldn't tell him, not now anyway.

"Well it was great hanging out with you, call me sometime and we can hang out again."


Does he mean,

The two of us?


"Sure, I'd love that." I replied, managing to keep my cool somehow.

"Well guys, I'm gonna go." Emma said, interrupting our talk.

"Yeah same. Bye, whore-asses!" James stated, following Emma out of the twins' driveway as they waved goodbye to us.

I looked back over to the twins, watching them smile and wave (boys, just smile and wave) which made my heart melt for the millionth time. Standing side by side, they were both incredibly amazing to admire.

Once the others disappeared, the two handsome gods turned to me, their adorable faces on display.

"Until next time, Dolans."

Short and shit, apologies 😬

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