"Just Shows How Unfit You Are"

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Let's clarify that the character is NOT wearing the clown costume 😂



After being caught in LA traffic for ages, I finally reached the Dolan Twins' house, parking my car in a space right next to Ethan's jeep. My fingers laced against the handle which opened the door, slamming it shut so that I could lock it. To say that I wasn't nervous would be such a big fat lie since my whole body was shaking as my feet dragged me towards the front door. Although Ethan said that Grayson was out, I was worried that he would come home, meaning that I would have to face the awkwardness that came with him. I couldn't do that, not now anyway.

My eyes continued to gaze down at the area of the floor beneath my feet after pressing my finger against the doorbell, patiently waiting for my best friend to appear from behind the object. Luckily, it didn't take long for me to hear someone running towards the door with a few "I'm coming"'s echoing down the hall which made me giggle lightly. Then as the sounds stopped, my vision became reality as the doorknob twisted, a happy and energetic Ethan peering from behind.

"Y/n!" He greeted, opening the door wider so that he could give me a hug.

"Hi Ethan." I hugged him back, noticing how heavy he was panting. "Tired are we?"

"I just ran to open the door, what else is supposed to happen?" Ethan let me in, closing the door behind us.

"Just shows how unfit you are." I teased, raising my eyebrow as I turned around to view an offended Ethan standing behind me.

"Have you not seen these?" Ethan rolled up his long sleeved shirt before tensing his arms, flexing the huge muscles that anyone could see from a mile away.

I laughed, rolling his sleeve back down. "Save it for Emma."

A chuckle left Ethan as he walked in front of me, leading me to the kitchen that was clean as usual (Grayson is always on Ethan's tail to make sure that the house is clean). "Do you want something to drink?"

"Nah I'm good." I simply replied, placing my bag that I brought on the counter as Ethan grabbed himself a glass from one of the shelves.

My eyes scanned the room to admire how much I missed the friendly environment, since I hadn't been at the Dolan's place for a long ass time. It was nice being there again, especially since I made a lot of great memories there...most of them with Grayson.

The thought of Grayson began to have a clear effect on me, obviously catching Ethan's attention since he called me.

"You ok, y/n?"

I didn't notice that my smile had been replaced with a frown, immediately trying to cover it up with a fake expression, not wanting to upset Ethan.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine." I responded, noticing that Ethan looked as if he didn't believe it.

He sighed. "Everything will be ok, I promise you."

Before I could speak, Ethan placed the glass down and walked over towards me, wrapping his arms around my figure into a hug. Although I hugged him back as if I had brushed it off, the action meant so much to me that it made me realise how lucky I was to have Ethan as my best friend.

"Thank you." I muttered into his warm chest just before we broke from the hug.

"No problem, l/n." He answered with a wink, turning around to fill his glass with tap water. He took a sip of the liquid before facing me once again, leaning back against the counter. "I'll meet you in my room, there's just something I've got to take care of first."

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