I'm Done

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A month went by, and my parents weren't to consumed by work, as for Hawk and his friends, I just said hi to them, I didn't want to get attached to people and then they will stop talking to me like my so called friend, Liza.

The notes stop appearing and people stopped with the bullying, but that was weird I just had a bad feeling, and boy was it going to be a bad day.

I got up and did my morning routine, then went to have breakfast.

"Mom, I don't want you to hate me for staying home, it's okay if you want to go back to your office. And same for you dad."

"That's okay, we enjoy being home." Dad said smiling.

"No you don't, I mean on weekends yeah, but all day is boring." I said.

"It's okay, we want to be here." Mom said grabbing my hand.

"Please, it will make me happy if you two go back to your office, I know you miss working there." I said to them, they both looked at each other.

"Are you sure?" Mom asked.

"Yes, I don't want to be a selfish brat."

"You're not a selfish brat, who said that to you?" Dad asked.

"No one, it just came to mind."

"Don't lie to us." Mom said with crossed arms.

"It was Sierra." I sighed.

"That girl will hear me."

"No, I don't want her to hate me."

"Fine, but if she says something else I will go talk to her." She said, I just nodded.

"I have to go to school, bye mom and dad." I hugged them then left.

"We're making progress with her, what she said to me last month really took me by surprise." She said to him.

"When you told me I became worried, I never thought Dove was feeling like she was a bother, our little Dove comes first." He said to her as she nodded.


I finally made it to school, opened my locker and found nasty notes again, it was good while it lasted.

I picked them up and put them in the trash.

While I was doing this I felt something cold being poured on me, I looked down and it was pickled pig feet.

"Why would you do this, I've never done anything to anyone." I said as tears started to fall.

"Because, you're our little piggy." Liza said while laughing.

Then everyone started to make pig sounds. I don't deserve this, I'm a good person.

I just ran to my car and went home, I hope my parents left for work.


I arrived to school ten minutes late, I saw pig feet on the floor, people were laughing and then I saw Dove's locker opened.

This couldn't be good.

I saw my friends heading my way.

"What the hell happened? Have you guys seen Dove?"

"No, we were talking to our teacher about a grade, and what the hell is with all the pig feet?" Clara said.

"You don't think?" Jason's said.

"I have to go before it's late, you two find the responsible for this and make sure he or she pays." I said before leaving.

They just nodded and went on the hunt.

Please don't do anything stupid, Dove.

I didn't know where could she have gone, so I started with her house.


I went home and luckily no one was there, I went to the bathroom and grabbed a bottle of pills, why stay in a world where I'm only crying and being miserable.

Will I be missed, no. It's for the best, I'm doing everyone a favor.

I started to cut myself on the wrists, it didn't matter anymore, I was done with bullying  with everything, I was just done.

Once I was done with cutting, I grabbed the bottle of pills, I saw myself in the mirror, everyone was right I'm hideous.

I opened the bottle and started to put them on my hand. Well, I'm sorry mom and dad at least I got to spend a month with you two.

"Dove, stop!" Someone yelled making the pills drop.

I turned around and it was Hawk.

He looked at me in horror when he saw my wrists.

"What the hell, Dove."

"Go away." I said while crying.

"No Dove, death is not the solution."

"Sometimes it is, I just want the pain to stop." I collapsed on the floor.

He sat next to me and pulled me to him. "Taking your life away is selfish, you're leaving behind loved ones and friends."

"We care about you, Even when you stopped talking to us we kept an eye on you." He said while rubbing my back.

"Make it stop." I cried in his arms.

"I will, but first you're going to take a shower and then I will help you." He said and i nodded.

He took the blades and pills away.


I went to call the person who helped my sister, she's really good and she can help Dove.

The door opened and i saw two people.

"Hi, who are you?" The guy asked me.

"I'm a friend of Dove, and you are?"

"Her brother in law and this my wife."
I said hi to her.

"Is mom here?"

"No, just Dove but she's taking a shower."

"So she's missing out school, they do spoil her." She said.

"Not really, you have no idea the horror she has been going through since the start of the year."

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

I filled them in on what has been going on, they both  had a shocked face.

"I can't believe people would do that." Her sister was crying.

"People are cruel and Dove almost took her life cause of bullying."

Not talking about getting bullied is worst, cause then nothing is done and the bullies gets away with it.

To be continued..

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