Something New

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This story will and has scenes where it is 18+ please read at your own risk. And don't report this story for porny parts even though I warned you. Please and thank you🏳️‍🌈

Sting was in the kitchen cleaning up a bit while rogue was at the table writing a grocery list.

Rogue's POV
So we need...onions, peppers....and.... My eyes wondered around a bit untill they landed on sting. Sting was quietly humming to himself as he cleaned. Sting looks cute today.... I thought to myself before quickly looking away from sting and started reading the list. Cereal, milk, onions, peppers-. I started to panicked when i saw what i accidentally wrote down after peppers.

The sentence he wrote after peppers was...
'Sting looks cute today'

I frantically looked around the table for the pen i just had so i can cross out the short sentence. I was about to reach for the pen just when i saw a hand land right next to the piece of paper i was writing on. "You remember to write peppers right?" Sting started to look through the list that rogue has written. I snatched the paper off the table so sting couldn't read it, i was a but slow but I'm sure he didn't see it. " y-yes i did" i stammered a bit and quickly got up "I'll g-go get them now" i walked towards the door gripping on the sheet a of paper in one hand and held the pen in the other. I could tell i was blushing the whole time.

Sting's POV

Just when i was looking over the list rogue made, while i was reading rogue tried to moved it out my sight. "?" I stood there confused as i watch rogue blush and stammered before he walked towards the door.

Rogue shut the door behind him leaving a confused sting behind. "Hahaha" i quietly laughed to myself "oh rogue.." I shook my head amused by rogue's attempt to hide the small note i saw on the paper.

A few hours later when it starts to turn dark.

"Hey rogue...can i ask you something?" The blonde boy was sitting in a chair across from rogue who was sitting on his bed. "sure" Rogue bluntly replied to sting's question. "Why did you try to hide your little note earlier?" Sting asked with a smirk stretched across his face.

Rogue's POV

"Why did you try to hide your little note earlier?". At first i was confused at what sting was asking me, but then i remembered the grocery list and the small note i accidentally wrote on it. "Wh-what?! Hahaha what note s-sting? I don't remember any notes hehe". I awkwardly laughed hoping sting would move on to a different conversation, but he didn't.

"Oh you know that little note you wrote on your grocery list~" sting got up from his chair and started walking towards me. "I-i don't remember any no-notes" i backed a bit but not to far cause i didn't want to fall off my bed. Sting grabbed my chin and whispered in my ear," you know it's easy to tell when your lying rogue". I shivered, sting's hot breath felt weird against my ear. "st-sting your real-!!!!" i stopped mid-way through my sentence cause i felt sting's warm tongue slide across my cheek.

Sting's POV

Rogue was denying that he didn't remember the note he wrote earlier, but i knew he was lying. While rogue was speaking i licked his cheek, i don't know what came over me but i wanted to see his reaction. I started to kiss rogue's cheek and made my way towards his lips.

Third person POV

Rogue was turning a bright red as sting was kissing his face. Although rogue felt a bit uncomfortable he allowed sting to continue. Sting finally got to rogue's lips and gave him a short but sweet kiss. Sting pulled away from rogue and looked at him. The two boys stared at each other in silence for a while until rogue leaned closer to sting for another kiss. They both made out with each other for a while then slowly pulled away.

I accidentally deleted the wrong story so i had to remake it. So i took the time to make the rwmake better :D i hope you like this better than the original. Sorry if i did any typos or grammar errors 😅

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