Honeymoon phase

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In a log cabin a couple of miles into the woods, slept two newlyweds cuddling and slightly snoring. To celebrate they're honeymoon Sting rented a cabin so he can spend the week alone with his husband.

Rogue's POV

The sounds of birds chirping and running water slowly woke me up, I sat up and rubbed my eyes I felt a familiar cold hand around my waist. Looking down at my sleeping lover I noticed we were both naked "!" The memories of last night started to fill my head. Blushing I got out of bed and slipped some boxers on, wobbling a bit to the bathroom. Yawning I look at the mirror and cringe, my long bangs were now short, a certain fire mage got too excited at the after party. Growls "I just had to be there.." in the end almost half of my bangs were fried off and in order for it to look good Minerva cut it.

After cleaning up and getting dressed I made some tea then went to the balcony to drink it.

Even though the birds were kind of annoying the lake was really pretty which made the view breathtaking. I wish those birds would shut up though... "Good morning love" a light blush formed on my face when Sting's raspy morning voice hushed in my ear. "Did you sleep well? You still look tired" I asked him in a low tone, he shook his head and laid it in my shoulder while wrapped his hands around my waist "you smell nice" laughing I pat his head and said "how about I make you some breakfast then?"

After I realized it was 1 in the afternoon I made us grilled cheese and a fruit salad for lunch.

Can't believe we slept all morning, now that I think about it this is our first meal as a married couple.. my thoughts wondered and were disrupted by a slight tap "?". Before I could say anything Sting lifted my hand and kissed it, "shall we take a stroll by the lake when you finish?". When he said this I realized Sting's plate was empty unlike mines "s-sure" smile Sting got up and cleaned up his mess. Starting to eat what left on my plate I saw Sting's phone light up, "Sting your phone.." when I turned around he wasn't there. "Babe your phone!" A few seconds later I heard a yell from the bathroom "Answer it for me! The password is •••••••!"

(Ha y'all thought you would get the password to Sting's phone)

Lifting it up I saw it was Minerva who sent the text when I opened it, I didn't believe what I saw.

It was a picture of her in lingerie "what the.." there's no way Sting is cheating right?

(Text messages)
There is a slur if you feel uncomfortable about that please scroll down until it says *SAFE*

Minerva: *picture*

Sting: why are you sending
me this?

Minerva: come in Sting
there's no way you're
actually gay, it's not too
late to divorce Rogue

Sting: Nothing is gonna
happen between me and
you, go bother someone

Minerva: maybe not now but
how do you know your gay
if you haven't slept with me

Sting: even if I was straight
I wouldn't date you

Minerva: ugh fine, enjoy your honeymoon faggots

Please keep in mind that calling someone a slur only makes you just as ugly and crusty on the outside as you are on the inside 😘

I signed with relief, he's not cheating...Minerva is just a b*tch. I took a screenshot and blocked her number, I was a bit sad because I thought everyone in the guild supported us. "I guess they're some exceptions.." I put my husband's phone down then cleaned up my mess.


Sting held my waist as we walked down to the lake "I can't believe Minerva would do something like that...". After telling Sting what happened he was upset, just like me he thought everyone accepted us "it's fine, at least we get to see the look on her face when we kick her out next week~" we both laughed. I pulled him in for a kiss but we're were still laughing so it turned into a weird peck, which made us laugh more.

I'm gonna make 3 more parts after this then focus on my art UvU I'm think of making a BL comic but not a spicy one 👀

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