Chapter 2- Meeting the boys

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Jessie's Pov

Once agent Jones and Smith leave my apartment, I get my shoes back on and walked back out to the laundry room. This time the laundry room is empty. I walk over to my clothes and take them out and into the dryer. Slowly I slide down on the floor holding my head. Why is this happening? I stay in the laundry room until my clothes are dry and once I'm home I slowly fall asleep at noon.

Sam's Pov

Dean left a few hour ago and I still have nothing on the boss.

"He's clean. No interactions with anything supernatural, he bought the place with his own money so no demon deal just nothing." I tell Dean over the phone.

"Then how was he killed by a hell-hound? You don't get killed by then unless you made a deal or you pissed off the owner."

"Yeah, and that's the thing, I looked up all the workers too and none of them are suspicious in anyway."

"Well what about the girl?" He asks.

"I looked her up too and nothing. She lived a normal life as far as I know of."

"Have you talked to Cas?"

"No I thought you would have called him."

"Why would I?"

"He normally comes when you call."

"It's not like he lives in my ass." He states.

"Yeah, well can you just try?" I ask. I hear him sigh.

"Fine, I'll give him a call right after this... Hey Sam I have to go." He says hanging up.

"Okay then..." I tell myself.

Dean's Pov

I get out of my car and follow the woman walking towards Jessie's house. She looked determined and a little pissed. Watching her, she just walks into the house without touching the handle. Demons. Reaching behind me, I pull out the demon knife and slowly walk to the door. Waiting by the door I listen.

"Where are they?" A woman asks.

"I-I don't know." Jessie's says. Glass brakes and Jessie screams.

"Where is Dean and Sam Winchester?" The woman yells. Before anything else can happen I push the door away slamming it against the wall behind it.

"Right here you black-eyed bitch." I say sternly. I look around the room and see Jessie in the corner of the room. The woman flicks her wrists and Jessie goes flying into a wall, She's not going to get up after that.

"Dean, there you are. How nice of you to come." She says giving me a sarcastic smile.

"Glad to be here. Did you kill the man found earlier this morning?" I ask.

"Oh, getting to the point I see... Well if you must know yes, I did kill him... With some help of course."

"You mean with Hell-hounds." I state.

"Yes. Those are your favorite aren't they Dean?" She asks. I just stare at her. "Well are you going to kill me?" She asks.

"Oh, I will trust me but I want to know why?"

"Why what?"

"Why kill a man if he didn't make any deals?"

"Why kill a deer if it did nothing to you? Because it's fun." She says smiling at the end.

"Man, just when I thought Demons can't get any more sick." Her smile fades and she flicks her wrist and I'm flying to the wall. Cas, get your angel ass down here now and help me please. All of a sudden it's getting harder to breath.

"What's the matter Winchester? You look a little blue." She smirks.

"Go screw yourself." I manage to choke out. I hear flapping of wings, and I fall to the ground. Looking up, Cas is holding the demon with his hand on it's forehead.

"Just remember Winchester, people aren't who the seem to be." She says smiling. Cas does his thing and she's dead.

"Thanks Cas, could have used you a little sooner but thanks." I tell him. He just nods.

"Who is she?' He asks walking towards Jessie.

"Her name is Jessie, she got caught in the cross fire." Walking over to her I pick her up. "Hey Cas we should get her to the motel..." Turning around I find that he's gone. "Or you know what I'll take her." I say sarcastically to myself.

After twenty minutes of driving, we arrive at the motel. Sam and Cas are talking about something as I walk in carrying Jessie. Laying her down i look at Sam. 

"So what happen to Jessie?" Sam asks. 

"Demon attacked at her house and threw her." I say. Sam walks over to her. 

"Did she get hurt?"

"No, as far as I know she didn't, just bumped her head." 

"Okay, we should just let her sleep it off." I nod and turn to Cas.

"Do you know what she meant when she said that Cas?" I ask. 

"Said what?" Sam asks. 

"The demon said to remember that people aren't who they say they are." I tell him. Turning to Cas I look at him. "so what did it mean?" 

"I don't know Dean," 

"What do you mean you don't... Never mind, just never mind." A groan escapes a voice on the bed. 

Jessie's Pov

I wake up with my brain banging against my skull. Slowly I sit up and look at my surroundings. There are three guys looking at me, the two agents and some other guy in a trench coat.

"Umm. Hi?" I ask.

"Hi. Do you remember anything?" Asks agent Smith asks. 

"No, all I remember is being back at my apartment and falling asleep... Why?" I ask looking at the man in the corner of the room. 

"You don't remember being thrown?" Agent Jones asks. I take my eyes off the man and look at the two agents.

"No I don't. That explains why my head hurts." I say giving a small smile. In a blink of an eye the man in the trench coat is by my side and chocking me. I try and claw his hands off my throat but he doesn't even flinch as my nails dig into his hands.

"Cas! Let her go!" One of the guys said.

"Dean she's a demon. She must be killed." Cas says.

"Cas dude let her go."

He lets me go and I gasp for air. Rubbing my throat I can already tell that its going to bruise.

"What is he taking about?" I ask with my voice being scratchy. 

"Look, we aren't FBI agents. He's Sam and I'm Dean. This idiot beside you is Castiel." Dean says.

"Now the big question is do you believe in supernatural things? Such as demons and angles?" Sam asks. 

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