Chapter 5~Its a deal

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Chapter 5

Jessie's Pov

I look at them confused. Dean and Sam look like they are about to murder Crowley.

"Wait. So Hell has a king? But I thought that Lucifer was the devil and ruled over Hell." I say to the guys. They all look at me as Crowley nods.

"You would be correct my dear." Crowley says.

"Now back to more important things." Dean says.

"Get the demon out of our sister now." Sam says.

"Like I said before Moose," He give Sam a look. "I don't want to so I won't... Unless you do something for me."


"What?" Sam and Dean say at the same time. Sam looks over at Dean.

"What do you mean 'no'?"

"I mean no, I don't want to do anything for a demon." I look at Castiel who's eyes are looking at mine. I look away quickly and try and focus on my two brothers and not on his eyes staring at me.

"Well Dean. I guess if you don't want this lovely woman's soul back than you won't mind her living with a demon inside of her for the rest if your life." Crowley says. Dean looks at me, than Sam, then back to me.

"Sam, can we talk... Alone?" Dean asks. Sam looks at me with one last glance and walks towards the other room.

Crowley and Castiel stare at each other. Well more like Castiel is staring at Crowley and Crowley is looking at me with a smile on his face.

"Why don't you come closer Crowley?" I ask.

"Well you see Jessie, the thing that you are in is called a devils trap. Any demon who is in it can't get out unless its broken." I look around me as best I could with being tied to a chair.

"So you are scared of being caught by those two?" I ask.

"What?" He asks. "I'm not scared of those two idiots."

"Oh really now?" I ask.

Castiel? Can you hear me?


Do you think you can push this ass inside the trap?

Yes, I can do that.

Thank you.

"Yes, I know for a fact that they can't out smart me." I laugh a little.

"I may have not known them for that long, but I can tell you this... It's not them you have to worry about."

"Wait, what?"


Not even a millisecond later, Castiel is gone and has reappeared behind Crowley, pushing him into the trap.

Crowley stares at both Castiel and me. I begin to smile as Crowley looks confused. Slowly my head begins to hurt.

No no no no! Why now?

Why? What's wrong? I don't answer. Almost like reading my mind, Crowley begins to smile a little.

"Jessie, what is wrong?" Castiel asks.

"Nothing, its nothing. Just a little headache."

"No Jessie, you are in pain." He states. I shake my head.

"I'm fine." I say just before I black out.

Dean's Pov

"Sam, I just don't know..."

"What don't you know Dean? She is our sister!"

"She may be our sister but she's a demon." I tell him. "and in case you forgot. The last time we trusted a demon you let Lucifer out of his cage." He says nothing.

"Please Dean, please I want to get to know our sister without a demon inside of her." Sam says.

"Sam..." he give me the sad-eye, puppy dog look. "Oh come on Sam!" I sigh. "Fine, fine we'll take the deal."

"Sam, Dean... Jessie." Castiel says as he enters.

I look at Sam and quickly head to the living room where I first notice that Crowley was in the trap. The my eyes travel to Jessie who's heads hung low.

"What did you do to her?" I ask. Crowley just smile.

"I did nothing to her." He says.

"Cas?" He looks at me with a blank face. "So you don't know either."

"No I don't." He says.

"Awesome." I say as I look away from him and looking at Jessie.

Sam's Pov

Crowley looks at Jessie with a smile. As if he knows something we don't.

"Cas what happened?" I asked.

"I don't know Sam. One second she's fine and the next she says she has a headache." Cas says.

I stare at Jessie. Slowly she lifts her head and moans. Dean rushes to her side.

"Sam open the trap." I look at him.

"Are you sure?" I look over at Crowley.

"Just do it Sam." I sigh and pull out my pocket knife and scrap a small part off. Crowley steps out and stares at me.

"Jessie? Jessie can you hear me?" She looks up.

"Dean? Sam?" She says. We both nod. "Dean..." she smiles. "She can hear you." I look at her confused until her eyes turn black. Dean and I go for our guns, but it's too late. Jessie flicks us to the wall causing us to lose grip of out guns.

"Son of a bitch." Dean says.

"Cas do something." I yell at him. He looks at me and disappears. "damn it Cas!" I yell.

"Aww. Looks like angel boy won't be coming back to save your asses." Demon Jessie said. "I thought he was your guys friend."

"He's more of a friend than you." Dean says. Suddenly, Dean starts to choke. "You son of a bitch." He spits out.

"Well, I am your sister after all." She says smiling.

I catch a glimpse of Cas behind her.

"How do you know that?" Dean yells.

"Oh come on, sure it was hard trying to find her but she has Winchesters blood flowing though her veins." Looking back behind her, I nod and before I can blink Cas is standing in front of her, touch her forehead and causes her to fall asleep. Once she's out Dean and I fall to the ground. I look over at Crowley.

"You could have called her off you know." I say to him.

"Yes but where is the fun in that?" I shake my head.

"So what's the deal?" Dean asks.

"So is that a yes." He asks.

"Yeah. It's a deal."

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