Chapter 8 First Case part 3

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Dean's Pov

Sam and Jessie came back a few minutes ago. Apparently Jessie fell asleep so Sam brought her in and laid her on a bed.

"So let's talk about the elephant in the room shall we?" I say.

"We already know she's our sister and my twin."

"Yeah paternal twins."

"But why would mom and dad give up a girl? You know how dad wanted a daughter."

"I know and that's why it doesn't make any sense. better yet, she's your twin so they should have kept both right?"

"Right..." Sam sighs. "we can't be thinking about this right now. Lets kill the Rakshasa first."

"But Sammy..." I stop and sigh knowing he's right. We have to deal with the case first. "what do we have so far?"

"All the vics. range from poor and lower class to rich upper-class. They range from being newlyweds with kids to being 10 years into marriage with kids. The only thing they have in common is that they both had kids."

"Okay so besides kids, they had to have had a common friend or place to eat at right?" I ask.

"I can look into that." he goes the bed with Jessie on it and gets his bag. Pulling out his laptop, he sits on the table by the window and starts researching. I look at my sister and begin to wonder why our parents would give her up? I move her hair out of her face. As I do, she starts to breath heavily. Thinking it's a bad dream I think nothing of it and study her.

She has Sammy's facial structure. Mom's nose, and Dad's ears. She has our haircolor, brown. The only think she has a mine is good taste in cars. Suddenly she starts to brake out into a cold sweat.

"Sam." I say. "I need a wet towel." he looks at me with a funny expression then his eyes fall in Jessie, and gets up quick. He returns with a damp rag and I place it gently to her forehead. Her breathing be comes rapid.

"Jessie." I say shaking her. "Jessie!" Nothing.

"Jessie. wake up!" Sam yells. It's like she can't hear us.

"Sam call Cas." I tell him.

"Cas. We need your help. Jessie isn't responding to anything." Not a second later Cas appears in the room.

"Why isn't she waking up?" I ask. Suddenly she grabs and claws at her throat and gasps for air.

"Cas can you do something?" Sam asks in a panic. He places two fingers to her forehead and still nothing.


"Why isn't it working?"

"Cas what is wrong?" I ask.

"I will be right back." he disappears. Jessie lets go of her throat, and slowly her breathing becomes stable.

"Jessie?" I lean forwards and tap her face. Jessie suddenly sits up, hitting me hard in the head.

"Ow!" I yell. Cas is now standing next to her bed. It's quite, except for Jessie's breathing from whatever it was that happen.

"What happen?" Sam asks.

Jessie's Pov

"Hello?" I say into the darkness. "Hello!" I yell.

"You came back." The voice said.

"Came back? Where the hell am I?"

"Why you are with me my dear, and as to where you are... Hell."

"What? No your lying. I'm in the impala with Sam." I state. My breathing begins to pick up.

"Ahh, Sam. your with the Winchesters are you not?"

"Who are you? How do you know the Winchesters?"

"Did you say Winchesters?" A second voice says.

"Where am I!" I scream into the darkness.

"In Hell, I already told you. Good thing she's pretty."

"She's a human, they are all like that." The voices seem to be getting closer. I turn around to try and see something but it's too dark.

"Wh-where are you?" Suddenly I'm grabbed by my neck and I can't breath. I try and claw my way out but it's like I'm not even hurting whatever it is.

"Tell the Winchesters hello for me." the second voice says.

I look around for the voice but I see nothing. Then there is a bright light.

"Jessie!" A third voice says. Before I can see I wake up.

I sit up quickly only to be knocked back down.

"Ow!" I hear someone yell. I look up and see the boys looking at me and Dean rubbing his forehead. They all look worried but say nothing. The only thing that is heard is my breathing.

"What happened?" Sam asks.

"I... I had a dream." I pause and rub my throat but instantly pull back. I look at my hand and see some blood. I'm about to get up before Castiel comes towards me and touches my forehead, the slight stinging goes away and I touch it to find no blood.

"What happened Jessie?" He asks.

"I was in this dark place, than this-this voice comes. And I could see him."

"Wait. Him?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, him. it was a man talking to me. Then there was another man.."

"What did the first man sound like?" Sam asks.

"Soft almost, but at the same time it was hard. it almost seemed like he was teasing me." Sam's face shows fear.

"What is it Sammy?" Dean asks.

"What about the second voice?" Sam asks.

"The opposite. his voice was hard but had a soft underline. Like a soldier." their faces go blank.

"Did they say anything?" Sam asks. I nod.

"The second voice told me to say Hello."

"Son of a bitch!"

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