The Shadow Realm

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Chapter one -Cold mess

The Shadow Realm

S.E Rose

The beat of my heart, doesn't make a sound. My breath holds tight, in its place, my lungs burn with need as my paintbrush makes its last critical move. This one move will put the painting together .Well only I get it right. I sighed in peace as I moved my paintbrush away from the painting. My heartbeat began to pick up pace as I got the air is deserved. My burning lungs started to cool down, and the determined frown that was on my face softened into a warm smile, it quickly morphed into shock and horror. As I noticed for the first time what I had just painted. The sky of my painting was beautiful. In shades of orange, soft yellow and blue. It was a sunset.... As my eyes roamed down the painting, it started to get dark. A man kneeled holding a little girl in his arms; Blood soaking the front of her silk nightgown .The man had two glistening white fangs, that got a shiver down my spine just seeing it.All around the man stood beasts that would leave you awake at night hiding underneath your blankets and chocking your favorite teddy bear to your chest. This...this picture is not what I had in mind to draw.

I flickerd balls of paper at the cute boy in front of me.I could see by the twitch of his chiselled jaw. He was getting annoyed. He spun around in his chair and I stopped instantly. Giving him an innocent smile, as he glared at me with his hard blue eyes. He was beautiful and almost made me loose my innocent smile for a dreamy sigh. He has dark brown hair and those fall hard blue eyes that just spoke danger, and sent my hormones screaming. This boy is more than hot, he's dam right sexy.

"Stop flicking paper at me princess. I know I'm gorgeous. If you wanted my number just ask" A light blush started to form on my snow white cheeks that I quickly covered up with a fake mock of horror. I put my hand over my heart.The boys jaw clenched tight for a minite, his eyes going emotionless.

"I would never do such a thing, it was him!" I pointed to the guy next to me and gave him a fake glare. When I met the boys shocked fearful eyes I almost burst into laughter and peed myself, It wasn't like I was putting a murder on his shoulders.I patted his tiny shoulder and gave him a sympathetic look.

"How could you do such a thing?Now this boys going to mug you and I can't do anything about it" I whisperd at the boy beside me. He turned to look at me his mouth open and closing like a guppy.

"I-I didn't"  

I frowned at him. Did this boy not know how to have fun? He could of at least played along for a little while,couldn't he. School is good for one thing.Tormenting people and if I can't do that,then what's the point of school.

"Next time you want my number Danny, or want any of this, just ask" Spoke Gage.

I blushed furiously at his comment . I hate my easily flushable cheeks.I put my head on my hand and gave bored sigh even though I was far from it.

"Keep dreaming Playboy" I gave him a wink . I looked down at my iPod on my lap,and started to scroll through the songs. Picking I Love The Way You Lie by Eminem.

"Playboy? And I don't sleep"His face twisted into confusuion as he noticed my new nickname for him.Yeah he is so keeping it.

I gave him a sly smile. "We can always change that" I clicked play on my IPod and blasted the music.I begane to doodle on my notebook, totally ignoring everything else around me.

The boy in front of me,that I still haven't gotten the name of tried to talk me. He finally got irritated enough to grab my ear plugs and rip them from my ears.I gapped at him and grabbed for them with a pout.I rolled them up and stuffed them into my bag with all my other junk.

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