Stranger Than Most Things

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The Shadow Realm 

Stranger Than Most Things


Gage's P.O.V

I couldn't help but hold back a gasp, how the hell can a mother drowned her child?

"What?" Loren asked shocked, her face twisted with shock and disbelief. 

"What happened?" Tinsley asked touching Danny's shoulder lightly, her tone matching her touch as she dealt with the difficult situation. 

"I don't think we should ask..." Sam trailed deep sympathy showing on his face, seeing Danny's sad expression.

"No it's OK" Danny whispered, I looked at her straight in her green eyes hoping some kind of deep emotion could be seen from my blue eyes "It happened a really long time ago..." 

"Mom and Dad were taking me and my twin brother to the Lake for our eigth birthday, I can still remember the gitters of excitement going down my spine of going to the Lake for the first time" tears stung my eyes "with my twin brother..."


"Tommy, come here! The waters the color of your eyes" I called to my brother.

 The crystal blue water swirled under the big thick stick I was twirling in it, a small hand grabbed my free hand and stared to pull my towards the dock.

"Let's go farther down the dock!" Tommy yelled. I smiled at him.

We look so much a like, but at the same time we look so different. His short blond curls were stuck everywhere and his blue eyes showed freshexcitement, while my long curly blond hair laid in perfect curls down my shoulders and my green eyes looked like a fresh storm.

"I don't know Tommy, mommy told us to wait here" My eyes bowed down as I saw the excitement leave his eyes. I hated disappointing wouldn't really hurt ignoring there comand this once would it... "Okay just this once, we'll have to be fast" I looked back up and caught Tommys eyes and saw the excitement bubbling in his chest... He ran forward with me hard on his heals, we giggled the whole way. We stopped to a halt at the end of the dock.

"The water is darker down here Danielle" I peeked over the edge and noticed the water looked almost black instead of the crystal blue like it was before."I can't wait to swim later, Its going to be awesome! We also get to help Daddy catch the wolverine tonight" I gave Tommy a wicked smile.

"And kill it" Tommy's smile faded.

"We shouldn't kill it Danielle, it's not the monsters fault it craves meat...all animals and humans need it..." Tommy muttered.

I pulled Tommy into my arms and rested my head on my shoulder since Tommy was out growing me by a few inches. 

"I'm sorry Tommy I forgot how you are with killing animals or monsters...but this ones killing humans...and if we don't stop it...we can be next" Tommy pulled out of my arms, blue eyes blurry.

"Its not his fault! There's other ways to handle this, we could always study the creature! Learn it's ways " Tommy hissed out, my anger charged off of Tommy's.

"You sound so stupid right now! What are we going to do? Teach it English and tell it no more killing humans just other animals!" I yelled at Tommy. I hated when he acted like this, Tommy spun on his heels and ran down the dock, eyes full of tears. What did I just do...?

"Tommy come back!" I screamed after him, he didn't stop he kept going heading into the dark ever greens...

I snapped out of the memory before I got to far, I looked around and I noticed everyone was trying to snap me out of my daze. 

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