camping with beasts

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Chapter 4- Camping With Beasts

The Shadow Realm

S. E Rose

At lunch I gathered my friends who were more then happy to escape the busy caffeteria and lead them into the field near the back of our school. We all lounged a sloppy circle, the group consisted Loren who was braiding Tinsley's hair idly, Nate who seemed to be worried about a history test that was coming up after lunch, Sam who was staring happily at his lunch and a somewhat bored Gage who was laying on his back with his sunglasses on.

"Alright I got news, so listen up" I annouced.

"I don't understand why I'm here, I already know what the big surprise is" Gage grumbled.

"Fuck you PLAYBOY, keep your trap shut!" I snapped, he sighed.

"So what's the big deal?" Loren asked raising a perfectly manicured eyebrow.

"Well my dad's letting me go camping and bring some friends" I smiled "That's where you come in"

"Your bringing us camping?" Tinsley chirped exited


"Well this will be exciting" Sam smiled happily.

"Yes very exiting...." I gave one of my wicked smiles and winked at Nate. He winked right back and gave me a scary grin. "Nate never give me that look ever again,and any way that wink looks better on me" Gage snorted a laugh and I shot daggers at him. Giving him a sign to not piss me off at this very moment because I will and I quote beat the shit out of him, he raised his hands in mock surrender.

"OK besides Nate being a creeper what are we doing on this little camping trip?" Loren asked.

"Boating" I awkwardly crossed my hands over my chest. I didn't want to be a lam-o and tell my friends I was truly horrified with water and just the mear thought of me going boating...terrifies me. I pulled a tight smile

"and probably have a fire and roast some smores"

Sam looked at me suspiciously, he must have noticed my tight expression, I looked away from his green gaze and focused on Nate.

"Then we can tell ghost stories and do some pranks" Nate said amusment filling his voice as he noticed Tinsleys horrified look. I stood up from the table we where sitting at. Picking up my tray as I did.

"Meet me at my house tomorrow at 11:00.It's a hour drive to Black Lake, oh and supposingly there's supposed to be wolves just warning you"

Both Gage and Sam gave each other a glance, they stared at each other for a minute and though they didn't say anything you could tell they were having some kind of sibling mind connection.

(Gage's P.O.V)

The next day me and Sam headed over to Danny's house around eleven just like she told us. Her house was large, nicely manicured lawns with nice green grass and a few flower beds and even a small garden rested on the lawn, vines from thick ivy was crawling up the white stone of her house and decorated it with a

mystical feel. From where we were walking in the drive way, the lapping and bubbling of a small brook or river could be heard, probably a small one near by or in her back yard.

By the looks of the drive way empty of our friend's cars we were the only ones here.

Oh how awkward, I thought but Sam didn't seem to care, he looked beyond casual and relaxed not like anything was new. We both approached the door, Sam reached forward and rung the door bell that was sitting plainly beside the large brown wooden door.

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