Flare Gun Really?

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Chapter 7-The Shadow Realm

Flare Gun Really?

S.E Rose

I clutched Nate's hand tight, hard enough to brake bones and draw blood as my nails dug into his skin. Blood started to trickle from the nail marks I was leaving in his skin.It was making it harder for me to hold on. He didn't seem to mind though as he pulled me down to the end of the dock with me tripping over his heals and making silent gasps when pieces of wood cut my bare feet and when it did, it felt like that part of my foot was burning. My wide eyes wandered to the water. Even with it being black out I could still make out the black water, as it crashed against the sandy shore.

"Nate...I won't go into the water....I would rather f-face the monster" I stutterd.Scared of the black cold water in front of me.The more I stared, the more it looked like it wanted to swallow me up...

Nate put both of his hands on the side of my face bringing it close to his. With his face this close I could see the sweat that glistened on his brow and the fear that shown his grey eyes. He's scared.

"I'll protect you Danny " He spun me around and placed me firmly behind his back protecting me from the beast that awaited us, seeking us at the end of the dock. I peeked my head under Nate's arm catching a glimpse of the creature. What is it? It opened its massive jaws and I got a view of its glistening white teeth everyone one of them where razor sharp and pretty well spoke KILL or DEATH.I shudderd and Nate stiffined.I put my head into Nate's shoulder keeping my eyes closed tight,tierd of looking at the ugly creature. What will we do, what can we do? It all clicked into place...

"Nate I need you to get in the water and swim away and get help. Ill be fine...this is all meant to happen...I cheated death" I pulled away from Nate and stepped around him looking into his beautiful grey eyes. He didn't move, his fearful eyes met mine. "Nate are you all right" I moved him back a step, he didn't stop me. "Damn why are you so heavy" A loud jaw wrenching snarl came from right behind me.I spun a clumsy 180 catching my foot on a peace of broken board, and almost falling to the ground. I looked up at the creature. The creature stood no more and no less than two feet away. I took a fast step back and rammed into Nate's sturdy body.

"Time to go into the water. I shoved Nate even closer to the end of the dock. Why the fuck wasn't he moving. I looked to my right then left searching for anything I could use as a weapon. A broken piece of wood was sticking out of the dock that I quickly lunged for, ripping it out with a loud crackle. I turned to the beast and stroked the pointy end of my new weapon. Giving it my best pissed off smirk.

"Time to die ugly" It gave a loud hiss and reared up at me.It's long claws missing my face with no more than an inch. I took a quick step back then lunged the sharp end of my weapon into the beasts chest. Something liquidly and smelly started to drip down it's sickly coloured grey chest. It gave a loud cry of anger and pain, one of its long bony arms reached at it, two of its long fingers took hold of it and ripped it out. It's black beady eyes met mine full of fury. "I sure as hell won't be an easy kill Bitch" I growled out. Im about 100% sure it gave me a toothy grin because the sides of it's mouth pulled up and it's black beady turned from fury to plain amusement.

"Nate please get out of here" I whisper screamed. Nate's warm still body didn't move from behind me.

"It all seemed to happen in slow mo. The creature jumped. I shoved Nate behind me into the black cold water and put my arms up as the creature landed on top of me.I hit the ground with a loud snap. The wind left my lungs, and I closed my moss green eyes tight and tried to crawl away. It grabbed my feet and pulled me towards it.I looked up and instantly regretted it because I was staring right into the eyes of the beast that was going to kill me.I blinked my eyes a few times then closed them tight and thought of all my friends...my little brother sitting by the fire oblivious to what's happening. They need a warning. I opened my mouth and let out a long blood-curling scream. I just hope they don't come for us, but get into the Hummer and get to safety.

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