Never truly lost

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Chapter Three-Never Truly Lost

The Shadow Realm

S.E Rose

Two weeks later

I hummed to myself, as I headed down the busy corridor of the school. Heavy bodies shoved against my small frame. I slipped the bird over to the jock, that had just shoved me to the ground, which sent my books sprawling. Damn asshole.

"Sorry" he sneered noticing my glare.I sneered right back and piled my books in my arms. I shoved past everyone, ignoring there rude comments. I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes tight, calming myself before I went back over there and say some things that would differently get me sent to the office or suspended. It's not like I haven't been there and done that, It's just I have my favorite class right about now, and I wasn't missing it for the world because it's English! I sound like a total goody two shoes at this moment but I gotta say I love the class and the teacher. I never thought I would say that because, I hate school and most things in it.

I made a turn down the hallway and passed a familiar locker, Sam's thankfully he was standing there, he smiled and signalled for me to come over, I did.

"Hey" I greeted.

"Hey" he smiled shutting his locker and pocketing a hard covered book into his backpack. "Where you headed?"

"English" I announced happily. "You?"

"Math" he sighed. I looked into Sam's deep green eyes.There so pretty a much prettier green than mine,and so much different then to Gages blue orbs.I gave a sleepy yawn and shuddered at the dream I had.Gage was in it... Is that weird dreaming of a boy you have only known for two weeks.

"So Gage told me he doesn't sleep...Do you know why?" I asked curiously remembering him telling me he didn't on the first day of school.I gave Sam one of my wicked smiles.

"Well it happened a long time ago, it's pretty sad actually" Sam's voice trailed and his gaze dropped "Are mother died when we were little and now with our dad gone, it's been hard"

My face and mood dropped completely, that's terrible my own heart clenched slightly.

"Oh I'm sorry Sam," I whispered and touched his arm lightly.

"Oh no don't worry about me, I don't remember much of it but Gage does" Sam smiled then frowned "I know it's hard on him"

"Oh" I muttered the bell rung.

"Bye" Sam called as he turned down a hallway.


After that little conversation, I felt truly bad for Gage.

"Hey Play Boy" I greeted as I sat right next to him and piled my books on the gray desk that I would be sitting in.

"Don't you usually sit behind me?" Gage asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah" I smiled recklessly "Sorry Greg but today I'm sitting here" I called to The boy that name I think is Greg or is it Gordon... Or Marcus...

The boys eyes grew large when I mentioned his name then he quickly ducked his gaze, probably happy I wasn't pestering him today! Gage snorted a laugh.

I raised one of my perfectly trimmed brows at him. Did he really just snort a laugh? I gave him a bright smile.Truthfuly it was somewhat cute.

"Sorry to break it to you princess that's not his name it's Malcolm.

I ignored Gages comment as I took out my black pastel and started to draw on the back of my English work sheet. I let my hand do the work; I felt my eyes wander over to Gage. I snook a look under my blond hair not wanting him to see me studying him. His dark brown hair fell a little lazily in his eyes today, and oh those eyes they looked so lost. My heart clenched in my chest. Maybe we weren't so much different him and I...I forced my eyes away from Gage and looked at what I had just drawn on the back of my work sheet, horror swept through me, a shudder went down my spine. It was the black house that I went and saw with my dad. The woman was standing in the window watching me. So I wasn't imagining it after all.

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