Little Demons

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The Shadow Realm

Little Demons

S.E Rose

Danny's P.O.V

I slumped onto the log and rested my hand on the crook of my palm. Why the hell did I tell them all of that, do they even believe me...the thing that keeps nagging at me is the fact what if Sam and Gage think I'm a mess mom almost succeeded that night...would everything be better if my dad wasn't there to save me...

A black corvette pulled in close to the big gray trailer. A woman with dark brown hair and a slender body stepped out. I growled deep in the back of my throat noticing it was my wax Barbie mom, another figure stepped out of the car, this one small and a little bit chubby, his brown hair splayed everywhere.

"Danny!" he screamed as he noticed me sitting on the log alone. I stood up and opened my arms for him to run into, he did just that launching himself into the air and landing securely in my arms.

"Xavier, what you doing here" I didn't mean to sound blunt but it's true. What is my mom and my little brother doing here, he gave me his best puppy eyes. 

"Don't be mad, we just wanted to see how you were doing I missed you" his little arms wrapped around my neck holding me close. I shot my mom daggers as she stared at me.

My mom and I do not get along, she plays the innocent flighty mom when people are around then once they leave and it's me and her she's a total bitch." Ow Danny that hurts" I looked down and noticed I was squeezing Xavier.

"Sorry" I set him down and turned back to my mom who was talking to the others." Uh Xavier, can you go bug Gage he's the hottie with the jet black hair and I think I'm cool stance"

"Sure" he squeaked out, he jumped down from my arms and ran over to Gage. "Danny told me to bug you" Gage eyes shot up to meet mine with his mouth open slightly.

"Oh did she" Gage laughed out, I looked away before I got distracted by Gages husky voice and went to see my evil mom.

"Mom, I need to talk to you " I hissed under my breath quietly, taking her elbow and dragging her away from my friends who were all laughing at something Nate said.

"Owe Danielle that hurts" She rubbed her elbow and I raised one of my brows.

"They can't hear us now" her pout turned from a pout to a smirk, which made her plastic face seem evil and grim; I shuddered still not use to it.

"Good because we need to talk you little slut" I took a step back, wounding me a little.

 "Don't talk to me like isn't nice" I scream whispered to my mom." What are you doing here?" I got straight to the point, her mouth gaped open then she flipped her silky brown hair over her shoulder.

"I wanted to see how you were doing" My mom gave me an innocent smile that just looked wrong on her.

"Mhm keep spilling the lies" I could feel the anger rising deep in my chest, my hands began to shake a little. “I’m tired of your lies mom!" I wanted my old mom back not the mean, sarcastic wanna be.

"Don't speak to me with with that tone and you sure don't treat me well enough for me to be your mom" that was the last straw, I snapped.

"OH I’M THE ONE THAT TREATS YOU BAD! ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?" I yelled out. My mom shrank back a little and smirked at me.

"Nice going little brat now your friends know you’re a freak spaz "I looked over my mom’s shoulder and noticed all my friends heard my outburst. I awkwardly looked away and shuffled my feet. “Now hug me goodbye and say you’re sorry" I glared at her. Then wrapped my arms around my mom holding my eyes closed tight, just wishing this could be over.

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