Back In Time

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Chapter Two-Back In Time

The Shadow Realm

S.E Rose

I sighed as I turned my head away from the depressing scene outside my window. A forest filled with trees blocked my view of any signs of civilization, at first it was pretty but after staring at nothing but the deep greens and mossy green trunks of the trees, it was truly boring. I was already in a sour mood, moving from another creepy town into another. The thing is the last town we were in was the longest we have ever been in....we were there for a solid 14 months going onto our 15th. I had friends there, even a boyfriend but we had to move because my dad's work said we had to,so we packed up and left our haunted house .And all this tends to make my mood plummet and with my four year old brother wiggling in his seat playing with his new transformer. I briefly contemplated throwing myself out of the car.

"Mom are we there yet? I whined to my mom. She took her eyes of the road for a second, to glance at me with a reassuring smile.

"We're almost there, your dad picked out this lovely place on the water, right next to the town. Big and very spacious he says. Look we're entering town now" She said pointing to where the trees started to give away and give the first view of Black Lake.

The first thing I saw was the huge white sign with Black faded letters spelling "Welcome to Black Lake" The letters where starting to fade, so you could barely make half of the letters on the sign. A small population stood solemnly beside it and it caught my attention, 1 245 people was engraved in the wood but now instead white chalk or paint scratched it out and now there was a depressing 479. With a town this small there might be two or three descent shopping stores but that's it. This town is creepy and the more we moved through it the creeper it got. I have seen and been in creepy towns and this one gets rated at the top. The thing is I'm used to it; it doesn't even faze me anymore. If lived in haunted houses and seen demons. My fathers an investigator he goes to creepy towns with little population and does research on it. I got to say it's a cool job, it's just a lot of work and dangerous. You usually make a lot of enemies doing this type of job. The people don't like it.

"Danny come grab some of the last boxes, so we can get this trailer back to the nearest rental place" My mother called over to me.

I sighed and rubbed the end of my sleeve on my sweaty forehead; I am so exhausted from moving all the boxes I could just collapse and be happy lying there. Will this ever end? It's like every four to five months where moving and I'm getting sick and tired of it. I love my Dad and I know it's not his fault it's the stupid company he works for. The weird thing is I'll remember next to nothing of the town, once we leave it. It's as if it's been wiped from my mind. I remember my friends and some of the stuff we did while we were there, that's about it. It doesn't go any farther than that. I dropped the last two boxes in our huge living room and crumbled onto the couch. I was so ready for bed. I snuggled onto our soft leather couch. I could hear the whispers the trees that where making sounds from outside and the sounds of my mom and dad opening up boxes; and all that helped the sleep over come me. First day of school tomorrow lucky me!

I whipped yesterday away from my mind.I got to say yesterday moving into our new house wasn't that bad. I just crashed onto the couch once I was done. And first day of school today isn't that bad eather, I have to admit that. I'm in most of my favorite classes in school, with my three new friends, Loren with her long goldilocks blond curls and brown eyes, Nate with his light hazel hair and gray eyes and last and not least the cutie Sam. I smiled over at him, seeing that he was attempting to draw a bunny since I pestered him until he agreed to draw a bunny for me. It wasn't that bad the face was right on. It was just the body shape it was a little too oval. I bumped my hip into his, singing to the song on my IPod. I spun around and ran right into Nate holding a can of blue paint it splattered all over my strapless white top. I opened my mouth not knowing what to say. Humor glistened in Nate's eyes, and I grabbed the red paint I was using and splattered it all over him making his green shirt go red.

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