Chapter 7: The big Apple gets caramelized,

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We all jumped in the back of an SUV driven by Nico's zombie chauffeur, (Long Story) I immediately reached for my phone, and called Annabeth, the only Half-blood I knew that owned a cell phone, "Dakota, where are you!" She exclaimed with worry, "We're on our way uptown Right this minute, what need to know is where are you?" I took a deep breath and answered "we're on our way too," She exclaimed, "the whole of camp half blood is heading straight for the Empire State Building," I smiled "got it, see you there."
Midtown was a war zone, we jumped out of our zombie car to meet everyone, I used the few seconds we had to redo my braid and tighten my quiver. Finally we saw three all white vans barrel into the intersection, not caring about traffic at all, not that their was any traffic with everyone being put to sleep by Hypnos. The first two were driven by our cleaning harpies, the other was driven by Argos, a giant hundred eyed Monster who served as our security chief and part time chauffeur, following behind those three vans was a red and black centaur sized SUV, this was actually relieving to see that Chiron was actually coming to protect Camp, besides him being a little out of the loop for so long. The first door opened and a huge group of demigods came rushing out of it like ants from a collapsed pile, the first cabins to come running out were Demeter, Hephaestus, Ares, Hermes and Apollo. Out of the second came Athena, Aphrodite, Hebe, Nike and Tyche. I was looking for Percy, but was absolutely ecstatic when I saw the one person that  I had been Certain wouldn't show up, "Piper!" I exclaimed, before hugging her a little too tight, "I thought you weren't coming?" I asked with concern, "hey, I couldn't let you all  become snake chow, besides I still intend to honor Silena," she planted her hands on her hips, and tossed her hair over her shoulder. Piper and all her Siblings wore pink camouflage pants, with baby pink shirts that had the Aphrodite cabins animal printed on it, a Swan, upon further realization every Cabin wore T-shirts in their cabin's main color with their sacred animal printed on it, The Demeter cabin all wore Green T-shirts with a pig printed on it, Hephaestus wore Bronze shirts, with a donkey printed in it, the Hermes kids wore yellow Shirts with a tortoise printed on it, and the Apollo cabin wore gold T-shirts with wolves printed in them. I caught wind of the other campers racing out of the vans, including Annabeth, who I was severely excited to see, she was dressed just like her siblings In a grey T-shirt with an ornate Owl printed on it. The Hebe and Tyche kids immediately followed. I  was a bit shocked to see that Hecate, Nemesis and Hypnos weren't here I mean if anyone was qualified to fight a war it would a hundred percent be them. But the practically a hundred campers we already had was more than enough, finally I summoned all my courage to ask Annabeth "where's Percy?" She cleared her throat "he's at the bottom of the sea helping his father, we know The rebels are going to try a marine assault," I nodded, I turned to look at Carter and winked at him which basically meant let's get this show on the road. Carter pulled his staff from the Duat, and yelled "Hi-Nehm," the Hieroglyph for Join together, blazed overhead, calling all of our cabins into a huddle together. "Okay!" I cracked my knuckles, "let's get to work. Just as I said that I heard the loud sound of what I thought was thunder until I looked up into the sky, and I saw something I would never be able to unsee, it was a beautiful Woman driving a black, purple and silver war chariot across the sky. She wore a long purple Spartan style dress, similar to Athena's with silver jewelry everywhere on her body, her long black hair was curled Ancient Greek style, as she yanked on the reigns of the animals pulling her chariot, they were the thestrals, skeletal black Pegasi with bat wings. She had no weapon but sheathed at her belt was a pair of gold torches, I suddenly realized who I was looking at "Hecate," I said with shock, the goddess of Magic was slowing down time, trying to keep our threat as far away from Olympus as possible. Which shocked me even more that the Hecate kids weren't here, I mean of course they would want to fight alongside their mother wouldn't they? I shelved my pride and did a head count, a hundred campers in all, plus camp Jupiter, who I could tell were on their way. "So, have you heard anything from Reyna?" I asked Annabeth, "yes, their on the way as soon as possible," I was very relieved to hear that, until the silence was interrupted by a shrill whistle, I looked up and was snapped out of my thoughts to see the entire legion of Camp Jupiter racing down the Avenue, Reyna on the back of her Pegasus. Brooklyn house and all it's magicians came racing down onto the sidewalk to meet up with the rest of us, "Alright!" I yelled "Is everyone here?" I asked in a matter of fact tone. "Almost," said Malcolm pace from Athena, "what about the Minor cabins," he said with concern "give them time I said for now it's time to stand our ground we make our stand here," Everyone from both camps stood at attention, "what are we waiting for?!" Said Clarisse, "let's give those monsters what they came for, Who's with us!" The Ares cabin raised their swords, "let's go!" And I turned to Annabeth. "It's Go time!"

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