Chapter 16: Camp Half-Blood, just as Insane as i remember

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No one! Steals my Pegasus. Not even Walt Stone, I wasted no time getting my troops back to Long Island Asap! I wasn't sure if I was more angry or amazed or worried. I owed Nemesis my life for her letting me borrow her chariot, I have to admit controlling two crazy griffins wasn't exactly the easiest thing in the world, but I got the hang of it, my friends were just as Anxious to get home as I was, we tore off over Manhattan harbor, the sky finally parting and the sun shining over the water directing us to Long Island. I was relieved that we had ended the war, but releasing doves could easily wait. Because right now we had an out of control magician, who was practically dying, flying a Pegasus he didn't even know, to a camp he didn't even attend. You could see why I was distressed.
The god's were clearly cleaning up the battlefield, the sky was suddenly clearing up at rapid speed, I couldn't enjoy the warm sunshine as I was too busy focusing on Walt. It seemed like forever before we made camp, I parked the chariot at Thalia's tree and rounded up everyone. It was so surreal being back at camp again, no burning buildings, no wounded fighters, no monsters, everything was sunny and bright. Carter, Sadie and Zia tore through the crowd, Sadie was so out of breath she looked like her eyeballs were about to roll out of her head "Walt!" She screamed and ran down the trail Carter holding her wrist and Zia at their heels.
Up on half Blood hill, Walt wasn't doing very well, he was somewhat hiding underneath the Athena Parthenos, he looked as if he were having a seizure. He was curled up like he was terrified, hands in fists and shaking like crazy "Drew!" Thalia shouted as she flew through the gate, Drew Tanaka, Kayla Knowles and Jazz Anderson were surrounding Walt, they all had stoned looks on their faces, as if they were waiting for something. Sadie raced to Walt's side and went to touch him when Annabeth jerked her hand away, "Sadie, Stop! You can't interrupt!" Annabeth scolded while the Hunters gathered around us, "Why? What's happening?!!" Sadie yelled with anger and shock, "The passing of the Torch if you will..." said Kayla, "What?!" Sadie was crying now, I could see tears starting to fall, she was terrified "Walt has taken on the duty as Host of Anubis," said Annabeth. "What does that matter?" Said Carter, we all knew Walt was sharing a body with Anubis training to be his host, he would've died if he didn't "he's dying," said Will matter of factly. Sadie put her hands on her head and shrieked like an angry vulture, Carter took a step back from the crazy girl next to him "i thought we had fixed that!" Zia demanded. "It's getting stronger, he's going to become Anubis's permanent host, fade into the abyss. Sadie screamed again and threw her self to her knees "Walt!" She reached out to grab him while breathing heavily, "what's going to Happen to him?!" I demanded with my blood pressure rising from stress, "he's going to give up his mortal form, he's basically going to sacrifice himself, fade into the Duat, let Anubis take over, give him a permanent form..." "Which Means?!" I once again screamed, "He's going to become Anubis's Permanent host, like you're father did with Osiris." Walt slowly started to regain consciousness he rose from his knees while we all backed up to make sure If he exploded we wouldn't be in the way, "Sadie," Walt breathed, "don't," he huffed out, "this is why I've come, what I'm here for," he slowly rose to his feet without bending his knees, his face fell forward like a mummy waking up from the dead, he had bright golden eyes that weren't his own, as he spoke his voice lowered almost three octaves till it was dark and regal like that of a pharaoh commanding his court "I pledge myself to Anubis, Jackal lord of the honored dead, I open my eyes into the Duat and embrace the prospect of death, I let go of my fear, Anubis, loyal dog of the god's, keeper of the scales, I beseech you, I give away my mortality I let you take my mortal body, you may walk among the living, I accept the spirit of (Insert Anubis's Secret name here) the voice of a god, keeper of the doors of death I am yours, please accept me," Walt collapsed to the ground once again with a loud Thud! Sadie practically pounced, until Kayla held out her hand "Stop! This is the most important part, Either the spirit takes over or it doesn't," we all turned around and were faced with a giant black snarling Jackal who turned into black mist and lept into Walt's chest cavity, he started to writhe in pain, and curse under his breath "And if it doesn't!!" Sadie screamed at Kayla "to quote my father five words," Kayla counted on her fingers "that. Would. Be. Real. Bad!" Sadie did the stupidest thing I could name, she grabbed the blanket from Kayla's hunter pack and threw it over Walt clinging onto him "He's going to explode!" Shouted Annabeth we all hit the dirt, and everything went black.
Watching a large black guy spontaneously combust was probably the weirdest thing I had seen in my life. We all pulled ourselves off the ground. Sadie was clinging to the blanket that covered Walt, tears streaming down her face "why?" She cried in shock, we all stood to the Side, Rachel came running out of her cave to witness, we all gave Sadie space while she clung to Walt and cried. This went on for a while until a hand reached out and wrapped itself around Sadie. The hand was white and muscular with perfectly done claws, he clung to Sadie while we all looked on "Hello my love," a sultry voice crooned to Sadie, she looked up and Saw Anubis looking right at her, "what's happening where's Walt," she breathed heavily," "Walt is gone," said Anubis "I have taken his place I now has a purpose a mortal form I will be yours forever," Sadie went from crying to laughing with the biggest smile, he was only wearing a gold collar and black loincloth, his kohl was smudged
but Sadie didn't care she threw herself into his arms crying tears of joy.
Chiron came trotting over in shock, he looked just as disheveled as the rest of us, his curly hair and mangled beard was in desperate need of a combing, he had dust in his fur, his bow was un-shouldered, he raced up to us, as a horse was supposed to. Everyone was still in shock from the combustion incident, but not as much as Chiron. "Is everyone Alright?" He demanded. As soon as I opened my mouth to speak "We're Fine..." blam! I face planted into the grass and collapsed from exhaustion.
I gotta tell you, hacking apart the god of sleeps prized mattress was one of my favorite Achievements, because I slept like a baby. I didn't know weather i was in my cabin or the Infirmary but I didn't care, I just slept, I was probably out for about five hours total, wrapped in a warm cocoon of blankets, and Hibernating. When I woke up, I could see Will sitting at my side, smiling. Bianca came in with Nico tailing her, Piper handed me the biggest platter of food I had ever seen. Chicken soup in a bread bowl with a grilled cheese sandwich on the side with a cup of chocolate pudding "Eat" Piper ordered, "you are weaker than Arachne." I grabbed my spoon and started stuffing as much as I possibly could into my mouth. Will placed a plate of Ambrosia and a glass of nectar on my side table and instructed me to eat it and drink it when I finished lunch, and than go back to sleep, i did as the doctor instructed and laid flat on my back waiting for sleep to come.

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