Chapter 10: I battle the Human lightbulb.

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When Carter said not pretty he really meant not pretty.
Fortunately, our pegasi, Blackjack and Porkpie were on duty. I found them circling the area downtown while our demigods were running in and out of battle, I also caught a glimpse of Skippy (aka Skippido), Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano's Pegasus flying her in the direction of the Chrysler building, a flaming spear in her hand. I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out my stygian iron dog whistle out of my pocket, usually, it was reserved for summoning Hellhounds, but it would definitely work for a pegasus. I held it up to my lips and blew through it, enough to catch the attention of my Pegasus friend. Blackjack dove right at me and I smiled with glee when our eyes met, "hey Truax, " he exclaimed with delight "glad you could show yourself, " he nodded "thought those wind gods were going to knock us to Pennsylvania!" he exclaimed as I pulled myself up onto his back, "where were you?" I asked slightly confused. "California, " he answered "Zephyr clearly wanted us off his property, " I shook my head and patted Blackjack's neck, instructing that I was ready for take off, and Blackjack tore off towards the Williamsburg bridge.
We could see the battle before we even made it to the bridge, The Apollo cabin had pounded East Manhattan into ashes with all the flaming arrows they had sent out, I spotted Will Solace on the front lines with his siblings, I ordered black jack to take me down. We landed on the crosswalk and I pulled my bow and quiver tight on my back, before running right into a giant Will hug, "you're amazing! Thanks for showing up," I chuckled at him "Where is he? Where's my Nico Bear?" Will asked with concern, "him, Hazel and Bianca are helping the Romans, for now you have me," Will smiled at me, I cracked my knuckles and un-shouldered my bow "now! Where's this monster?" I stated "well first of all thanks for putting us up against an Army of Succubi and Incubi, they were easy take outs, they didn't even have weapons, they just wielded hypnosis," I was trying not to crack up upon hearing that "Then why do you need me?" I asked with concern, "well, we took care of the army but something was," Will looked as if his breath caught in his throat "guarding the mess," I was about to ask what the threat was, when I heard the loudest, booming footsteps I've probably ever heard in my life, I looked upward and crossing the Brooklyn bridge was the brightest thing I had ever seen, he burned like the sun, he wore all gold greek armor and he radiated light bright enough to blind a whole Roman legion. Hyperion, the Titan of the east, I tore from my belt my two favorite throwing daggers, ten inches of solid Stygian iron, black as nightmare with hilts that looked like owls, the sacred Animals of Athena and Hades, I leapt onto blackjack "Okay! This may be the stupidest thing I've ever done..." I stated before flying right up to the Titan light show. I whistled to get his attention, and jumped right onto his shoulder "Hey Bulb head!" I shouted before whipping out both daggers and I jumped right onto his chest digging both daggers into his chest and sliding down the creature pulling myself down by clinging to the owls for dear life. I couldn't see the Apollo cabins faces but I'm pretty sure they were shocked. Carter and Will stared up at me whilst I fell to my knees in agony, while my enemy was crumbling into a pile of sparks before me, I hit the pavement to avoid getting fireworks to the eyes, while the rest of the Apollo cabin who pulled themselves from their hiding spot from behind a flurry of parked cars, "That." Will started "was." He continued "Awesome!" I barely could processed what he was saying when Sadie dive bombed us in the form of a kite "Dakota thank the gods you're alive," she said hugging me around the neck "Voltron needs you, and it's something you definitely need to see," I grabbed Will and we tore off towards the west side of the Island.

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