Chapter 8: three Alien flying lions save my life.

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Annabeth wasted no time after hearing my orders. She raced to the back of the van pulled out her video shield and ran back to us, "way to go chase I told her," she smirked "one of Dedalus's Inventions I got it a few summers ago, it really helped in the first battle of Manhattan," way to go I thought, she projected her shield into the Air, and moved it around like a touch screen map, "look!" Shouted Lacey from the Aphrodite cabin, Annabeth moved the shield so that it was showing about twenty miles off shore, a whole fleet of yachts were heading right for us with a huge Pride banner flying overhead, "the rebels are coming," stated Leo, "I can definitely tell," said Annabeth, she turned the Image so that we could see another view of the city, I saw a whole group of scandalously dressed succubi driving a huge pink tank down queens parkway, in another corner we saw a group of minotaurs dressed in nothing but plant matter loincloths, those couldn't be comfortable. "Okay let's move," I shouted "We're going to hold Manhattan," Will cleared his throat "Dakota manhattan is huge," I grit my teeth, I did not like being shushed by my little brothers overprotective boyfriend,  "Well we have to try," I turned to look at all the campers, "Katie, Miranda, take Demeter's cabin to the Brooklyn-battery tunnel, grow thorn bushes, poison ivy, anything you can go!" Miranda put her hand up in Salute and the Demeter cabin tore off down the avenue, "Will, take Apollo's cabin to the Williamsburg bridge, bring all the flaming arrows you can, those who aren't Archers Set traps on the bridge, Go!" I commanded, The Apollo cabin all put's their hands up in Salute and said "yes my lady!" Everyone took off except for Will who grabbed Nico by the collar and kissed him right on the lips "I love you," he said dreamily before running after his siblings. "Julia fine-gold take the girls in the Hermes cabin to cover the Brooklyn bridge, Connor take the boys to the Lincoln tunnel Asap!" "Yes my lady," they both chanted before racing off down the alley, "Piper! Take the Aphrodite cabin to the queens-midtown tunnel," "oh my gods!" Gushed Drew Tanaka from the Aphrodite cabin, "Fifth Avenue is so! On our way, we can accessorize! And Monsters totally hate the smell of Givenchy," No Delays!" I said "well... the perfume thing if you think it'll work Go!" I exclaimed, and the entire Aphrodite cabin raced off behind me. I did a few calculations in my head, to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything, "The Holland Tunnel. Valdez, take the Hephaestus cabin there Asap! Use Greek fire, set traps, hit em with everything you've got, Go!" Leo raised his Hammer above his head "For Beckendorf!" He shouted, and all of his siblings cheered in response. "The 59th street bridge, Clarisse?" "Say No More!" She commanded "Those Roaches won't know what hit them! Ares Cabin Move Out!!" Clarisse yelled and bounded off down the street, "CHARGE!" All her siblings yelled in response. I smiled to myself I was pretty sure the 59th street bridge would be safe for now. "Hold it Truax," said Annabeth as she tapped me on the shoulder, "what about the Manhattan bridge? Or any Ellis island bridge?"? Dammit! I silently cursed all that were left was the Athena, Tyche, Nike and Hebe cabins, and a group of magicians none were enough to subdue the World War II tank that was barreling into Manhattan or any of the fleets of Racing yachts that were heading for Ellis island, I had just started to think of a plan when a girls voice interrupted "How About you that one to us?!" A voice exclaimed behind me. I'd never been happier to see anyone in my whole life, we all turned around to see a Band of a hundred and eighty adolescent girls, charging down the middle of the street. They all wore a color palate of blue,silver, grey, white and black, with lace up Spartan military boots, silver chastity belts, and every one of them wore a silver circlet around their foreheads and they all wore their hair in braids, buns, pigtails, and every immaculate style you could imagine, they had quivers of arrows on their backs, hunting knives sheathed at their belts, and bows at the ready a pack of fluffy white timber wolves milled around at their feet, and many of them had hunting falcons perched on their arms, The girl in the lead had short choppy black hair with a leather jacket and a death to Barbie T-shirt. "Thalia!" I shouted crushing her in a hug, "the Hunters of Artemis reporting for duty!" I smiled and waved to Kayla Knowles standing next to Thalia, "Where have you been?! Where's Artemis?!" Thalia seemed to breath nervously, "should we tell her?" Snapped Hyacinth Rhodes daughter of Poseidon and Thalia's second in command, "of course, Avery come here!" Thalia commanded and a young girl came forward, Avery Quinn a daughter of Hecate. She waved her hands in front of her to create a see-through screen out of mist, where what I saw shocked me, Their was a giant storm or even a tornado zooming through saint Louis, I gasped to see that I was looking at the Norse giants and flying around the lead one's head was a chariot pulled by white reindeer, but it Wasn't Santa Claus driving, it was Artemis! Riding the storm firing shafts of moonlight into the distance, a gold comet shot by her possibly her twin brother Apollo. I heaved a sigh of relief "so she's okay?" Thalia nodded "those monsters won't know what hit em' Hunters Move Out!" Thalia commanded. The Hunters tore off down fifth avenue I knew the Manhattan bridge would be safe for now. But that left Ellis island undefended I had no clue what to do, until I heard a voice "We heard you needed assistance!" I turned around to see two groups racing towards us, One was dressed in purple and silver sparkly attire with black cloaks hiding their faces, they were dressed like medieval executioners, "Lou Ellen?" I asked. She tilted her head up, "heard you needed the Hecate kids" she added with a sly smile, "I couldn't be happier to see you right now!" I exclaimed with delight, and Lou Ellen raced her siblings down the street in a blur of Shadow, following up to me was a group of campers wearing purple, red and black dressed in armor wearing war paint. In front of me was Bethany hammond, daughter of Nemesis, "the Nemesis cabin is charged and ready!" She shouted, they and all the other campers took off.
For I minute I thought that was everyone until I looked up to see a bright white light breaking the pitch black sky, "What the?" I gasped until I saw four large lion shaped spaceships descend into the city "an Air assault?" I asked with shock, until our of each of them spilled three young men and a girl, dressed in combat clothes, one Hispanic guy dressed in a blue jacket, a pudgy Polynesian dressed in yellow, the girl had choppy auburn hair, glasses and wore green, and the last was Asian looking with pointed features and was dressed in red with a shaggy black mullet that reminded me of Nico. I crushed them in a hug "Pidge! Hunk! Lance! Keith!" I exclaimed "gods am I glad to see you!" They all pulled away laughing, "the paladins of Voltron reporting for duty!" They said seriously "well I need all of you at Central Park west Asap!" "Yes Ma'am!" They all chanted, "what about you?" Keith asked "where are you going?" I chuckled "to get this war started once and for all it's time I found my Mom," and I tore off after the Hunters.

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