Chapter 9 : The Grass Champion

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  As planned, we took the train from Icyshore to Redhem City. I’m bracing for Noel to keep nagging at me but he just tag along quietly, playing with Shaymin. Within 2 more hours we arrive in our destination. I must say I was impressed with Leyn, we were really expected here since we were met by the event organizers at the train station. We went directly to a hotel and were briefed with how the program will be held tomorrow. I didn’t even have to register to join since they all took care of that for me; I mean for us, well Noel seemed to be joining as well. I’m participating in the event so other than what time it will start; I really don’t know what it is all about. One thing is clear, once something went wrong, say like if Havoc attacks during the event, I’ll be in the front row of the battle.

It didn’t take much time after and we’re resting in our room. Yup, room in singular since we get to share one. Geez. It was pretty spacious with two beds on both side and a study table in the middle. Shaymin jumped off my chest and went straight to the bed in the right side.

“Careful,” I called out as I followed it. Noel jumped into the other one without another word. Wow, this is the longest time he’s been silent since we travelled together. I’m actually getting worried now.

I wasn’t really in the mood to do anything so I did the same and just lay down the bed. Shaymin was already snoring lightly and the aroma of that alien flower started to fill the room. Noel noticed it as well.

“What is that?” Noel asked.

“Sweet Scent.” I answered.

I waited for him to press on it but he didn’t. Weird. There was a brief moment of silence before he speaks again.

“Who are you?” he asked.

That surprised me. I wasn’t really expecting a question like that.

“I’m Jessaise.” I answered though I know what he meant.

“Of course I know you. I’m not that stupid.” He answered. Ok, maybe that was a bit rude of me. He did save my life earlier so at least he deserves to know.

“Who said you’re stupid?” I said. I don’t know where to start so I just cleared my throat. “You said you’re so lucky you met two members of the GEF today right? Well, I’ll make you even luckier because as of this time, you officially already met three of them.”

Noel bolted right up. I don’t know what to expect since I never tell anyone about me so I’m not sure what reaction I will get. But I’m pretty sure he’ll think I’m going nuts.

“Seriously?” he said. He seemed to be in deep thought. “That explains everything. The inclination to grass types, the daycarer, the licence of flight, the affiliation with other GEF. I always thought you’re not an average trainer. But why didn’t I think...”

Ow, that seems to go over well. Was revealing yourself that easy? Noel seems to be lost in his thought so I just closed my eyes and decided to sleep.

“Waaaah...” Noel shouted which startled me.

“What is wrong with you?” I said as I sit up and look at his direction just to get startled again. Noel was already standing in front of me holding out a pokeball.

“Jessaise, Grass Champion of the GEF, I challenge you to a battle.”

Shaymin was perched on my chest as I stood on the right side of the battlefield near Redhem Hotel, Noel on the other. It was early night but only a few people can be seen around. It still amuses me that he believed my story that easily without any doubt.

“It’s not every day I get to challenge a GEF so I’m really excited.” Noel called out.

“Let’s just get this done and over with. Keep in mind that I won’t go easy on you.” I answered. Shaymin was just watching us. I wonder if it’s pissed it was dragged out here by Noel’s childishness. “I’ll be choosing first.” I added as I withdrew a pokeball from my pocket. “Sceptile you’re up.” Sceptile got out of the ball and stood on our side of the field with a very confident look.

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