Chapter 7 : The Dangers of Flying

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  “Haven’t heard from you in a while.” Ronnel said. No “Hey, how are you?” or “Nice to see you.”, just typical of him. I haven’t called him since I met Shaymin and he doesn’t have any clue about it. We know each other since childhood and him, along with Shielah, is whom I consider my best of friends.

“Been busy lately, sorry if I’m not keeping in touch.” I answered.

“I'm used to it, so what are we up to?” he asked not without humor then added, “And who’s with you?”

“Oh, sorry. This is Noel from Omega ph, the clan I’m staying with.” I said pointing at Noel who was standing behind me. “Noel, this is Ronnel, one of my best of friend slash my daycarer from Soville City, Lower Omega.”

“Hi. It’s so nice to meet you.” Noel said clumsily as he peeked over my shoulder.

“Sorry, I’d really like to have chat but I have business to attend to. I need assistance from an old friend, is Tropius around?” I asked.

“Well, too eager aren’t you, hold on a sec, let me fetch him for ya,” he replied as he went off the screen.

“Wow, you have a daycarer? And from the Lower region? It means you have a real big collection of Pokémon, how come the only Pokémon I see is Sceptile and Whimsicott?” Noel said in awe.

“I don’t collect Pokémon, but I have a modest number of friends with Ronnel.” I said.

Ronnel came back holding a pokeball on his right hand.

“He is ready for transfer, anyone else you might need?” Ronnel asked.

“Na, just him.” I answered.

“Alright.” Ronnel said as he placed the pokeball on the transmitter. A few seconds later, a light blinked on the left side of the video phone and a slot opened containing a pokeball.

“Thanks buddy. You know I’ve got a lot to tell you but I’ll fill you up some other time. I’ve got work to do.” I said in apology.

“Ok, just take good care,” Ronnel replied.

“I will, smell ya later.” I answered. Ronnel just raised his brows before the screen blacked out.

“So what exactly are you planning with a Tropius?” Noel asked once we were out of the Pokémon center.

“We are going to fly, Tropius, out you go.” I said as I let the Pokémon out of its pokeball. My Tropius is just really similar to any other normal Tropius. The only noticeable difference is its size. My Tropius is almost double the size of an average one. It flaps its leaf-wings as I pat it on its long neck. “How have you been buddy,” I whispered.

“What? Are you insane? You really want yourself on the deathrow, don’t you?” Noel exclaimed, clearly horrified.

Pokémon flight in Omega region is strictly monitored for safety precautions. You can’t just roam the skies of Omega and only licensed individuals can use Fly. All rulebreakers will be attacked without warning and if still alive after, will be taken to custody. Seriously. Pretty hard isn’t it? Well if it isn’t for these clan wars, people might be still enjoying the freedom of flying together with their Pokémon.

“We don’t have other choice; I’m supposed to be in Redhem by now.” I said as I started to climb up to Tropius’s torso. As soon as I was seated, Shaymin jumped off of my pocket and sat in front of me.

“Are you serious? I still love my life and my freedom you know, I won’t be riding there.” Noel said.

“Ok. You can go back to Memorial City then. Tell Leyn I didn’t ditch on this job request and I was just delayed ok?” I teased. I waited for a moment but Noel isn’t taking a step forward. “Well, see ya round then?” I added as I tap Tropius lightly on its long neck and he suddenly started to rise. A few seconds later, I felt a sudden shift of weight and Noel was on board behind me.

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