Chapter 11 : A Pokémon I've Never Seen Before

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  The tourney passed by in a breeze. I won my next two matches in a relatively easy fashion compared to my first one. Kevin did the same and we’ll be facing each other tomorrow in the finals. I lounge comfortably on the sofa of the Pokémon Center as I waited for my Pokémon to get their check-up done. Shaymin was sitting comfortably inside my pocket.

“Have you ever tried Pokémon Battling?” I whispered to it out of nowhere. Shaymin just stare at me blankly then continued on whatever it was doing.

“Did you just ignore me?” I said as I started tickling it.


That was the bell that signals the check up was done. I hurried towards the counter and was greeted there by the nurse of Redhem City, Nurse Seline. Her hair and her eyes were both green and she was wearing standard white uniform.

“Thank you for waiting.” She said as she called her assistant Chansey from inside. It came into view carrying my two Pokéballs.

“Thank you very much. “ I said as I take it from it.

“Well, good luck for your battle tomorrow.” Nurse Seline said.

“I will. Thank you. I’ll be going now.” I said as I waved goodbye. I head out of the center without a place to go in particular. I took a left turn from the center and then walked straight. It’s still early afternoon, and this is a rare time when Noel wasn’t around to bug me so I decided to take a quick stroll on the greenery inside the city.

Greenery is just a hyperbole since most of the plants and trees here were covered with snow. As usual not much wild Pokémon can be found here but there was a herd of Volbeat and Illumise that passed by just a while ago. I continued walking until I notice an odd rock beside a tree. It was the size of a soccer ball with green spikes on its surface. I bend to examine it closely. Shaymin suddenly jumped out of my pocket and landed beside the rock.

“Do you know what it is?” I asked. Shaymin was circling around the rock then started poking it. I was watching Shaymin when I notice that the rock started shaking. Earhtquake? That was my initial reaction until I realized that it was just the rock that was moving. Shaymin pokes it once more and I extend my arm to snatch it away from the rock when suddenly the rock jump that made me step back. Shaymin was jumping happily. Beside it, where the rock has been, is a brownish Pokémon covered with brown sturdy looking shell on its back and a green patch with spikes that looks more like a cap on its head.

“Chep-puh...” it said as it pumps its claw on its chest.

“Hi there little one.” I said as I bend my knee so I can see it on eye level as possible. Though I have never seen something like this before, I can bet my title that this Pokémon is a grass type based on its appearance. Shaymin took its claws on both of its hands then began spinning with it. The other Pokémon took its claws back and began sniffing around like it was searching for something. Shaymin started to follow the mysterious Pokémon just as I heard a rustle from a nearby grass patch. Without another word, the spikes on the head of the mysterious Pokémon shone and it launches a strong Pin Missile towards the rustling grass.

“Oh, what was that all about?” I said as I catch up with them. As an answer, the rustling grass shook stronger and I saw a pair of purple horns protruded out of it.

“Uh-oh,” I muttered to myself as a gigantic Scolepede came out of the grass and growl towards us. I don’t know how Scolepedes usually are but I can tell this one is a really angry one. Its horns glowed then began charging at us. Instinct kicks in and I grabbed Shaymin with my right hand and the other Pokémon on my left shoving them both in my pocket then started to run. I didn’t look back but I know that the Scolepede was in pursuit, and it’s really, really fast. I made a left turn towards a huge tree that made some distance with my pursuer. I continue running in zigzag until the Scolipede was out of sight. As soon as I got out of the forest, I went straight to the Pokémon center. I was practically panting when I reach the counter where Nurse Seline was.

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