Chapter 10 : Omega Live Battle Tournament

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  “Is it even fair that you’re joining this competition?” Noel ask as I enter our room to prepare for the tournament.

“Well, they’re letting me join so probably it is.” I answered. Noel just snickered. He opted not to join saying I’ll just beat the crap out of him.

“I’ll just wait you outside.” He said as he bolted out.

I pluck out Shaymin out of my pocket and place it on the bed. It stretches a bit then folded itself again, probably still sleepy because we were up so early in the morning. Ronnel called at dawn about an urgent matter back home. He said that one of my Petilil evolved into a Liligant. This one acted as their leader and causes a feud with the other Petilils against my Cottonees. It got out of hand so Ronnel resulted to this idea of sending my Whimsicott to neutralize the feud. Well, it seems sensible so I send him Whimsi together with Tropius. Coincidentally I needed to shuffle my party a bit for the tournament so I ask him to send me a Pokemon in replacement of Whimsicott’s slot. I grabbed my bag from the bed and started petting Shaymin’s fur.

“Come on up. Let’s get this tourney rolling.” I said as I put it back into its hiding place.

“Go get them Jess.” Noel cheered on from the bleachers as I take centre stage for my very first match in the elimination round. There are 16 participants in this tournament; one of them is Kevin who was smirking at me at the opening ceremony. It was divided into four blocks. I was in block A while he gets into block C. As I see the branch of the tourney, the only way for us to fight is to get into the finals.

I took in the crowed before me, and man that was some crowd. I wonder if these people came from different cities away from here as well. They were screaming and shouting ready for the action to come.

“Let’s get Omega Live Battle Tournament started!” the MC, Joker, said as he started to introduce us. “On the right corner, from Memorial City, Upper Omega, give a round of applause for Jessaise!”

“Ready or not buddy.” I whispered to Shaymin before I stepped out and waved into the people. Luckily, they cheered for it so I really didn’t looked like an idiot out there. I saw Kevin watching nearby.

“And on the left corner, from Marron City, Lower Omega, give it up for Cindy!” Joker continued and a girl approximately my age appeared. Her brown hair was in pig tails and she was smiling as she waved to the crowd as well. There was an eruption from the crowed as they show their love for the contestant.

“Make sure to get her number after the battle!” Noel shouted again. I deliberately ignored him.

Okay, okay, she’s cute, but that doesn’t mean I let this one go easily. We both took our positions on the battlefield.

“Hi. Let’s make this a good one.” I greeted her.

“You bet.” She replied and took out her pokeball.

“This is a one on one battle and a trainer wins when his opponent’s pokemon is unable to continue.” Joker explained. “Trainers ready.”

“Delcatty, I choose you.” Cindy said as she threw her pokeball. An elegant purplish feline pokemon appeared in the stage.

“Nyarrrrrr...” it purred.

“You’re up, Sceptile.” I said as I called out my trusted partner. It appeared as confident as always. “Watch this carefully eh,” I whispered to Shaymin. It can use a little battling skill and strategies for itself.

“Shay shay..” it answered.

“Cindy will be the first one to attack, begin!” Joker announced.

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