Chapter 17

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[Tyler's pov]. It's been a week and there is still no sight of Elizabeth. I was taking to Chase about Elizabeth's disappearance. "I don't know what to do we looked everywhere, I tried to find a clue to help us find her but there was nothing not even a hair or a fingerprint." Chase explained to me that there was nothing that we could do but to wait for her to show up.

*One week ago*
"I have to go" what? "Tyler they want me and they will not stop until they get me" I tried to talk her out of going but she wouldn't budge. Elizabeth turned around and faces me and kissed me. I was stunned and couldn't move. Maybe that why she did that. So I wouldn't go after here.

When I woke up from my day dream she had walked into the darkness and was gone and there was nothing I could do. I screamed her name but I heard nothing from here.

Then the whole room went dark and a blue light shot up and a image came up of Elizabeth and two men rushing towards her. They shoved her up against the wall and twisted her arm behind her back. She screamed so loud it hurt my ears.she didn't fight back but I did see a tear roll down her check. I could tell the men were talking to each other but I couldn't hear them. Then one grabbed Elizabeth and threw her up against the wall. I wanted to go after the two bastards. She laid there limp. One three her over her back and the other looked straight at me and said "do not try to find us or we will kill her".

Then the blue light turned off and all of the lights turned back on. Tyler! I heard Chase yelling my name from down the hall. " I'm here" I yelled back. He ran up behind me and caught me starring at the empty hall. "What happened" I looked down at the floor. "They took her" I said quietly.

That night we looked up and down the halls and in every closet room under the beds. We searched the city. We tried to pick up fingerprints, hair anything to give us a lead but there was nothing. just like she had never been there. The only things left were her clothes and little trinkets in her room. And a slight smell of perfume. She was gone.

*One week later*
We were all in the kitchen eating breakfast. Except Isabel she was always in her room. She tells us she is studying but we all know what she is really doing. Just being a jerk she doesn't talk to anybody until she needs something or she is making a snotty remark.

I was talking to Chase and Alex about Elizabeth. We were out of ideas. It was a crazy week. The whole group took the whole week off of school except Isabel.

It was cleaning day Alex was cleaning the bedrooms
Chase had to clean the bathrooms. And I had to do the lawn. And Isabel just had to do dishes and wash the dirty cloths.

I walked outside to start the mower but I stopped and starred because I spotted her.

I was terrified to wall up. Chase! Alex! Come quick! I heard nothing I ran to the door and yelled in again. Chase! Alex! Hurry! I heard them shuffling around and running down the stairs towards the door. I ran into the grass to find Elizabeth laying face down in the grass bleeding. She had lost way to much blood. I flipped her over I saw her eyes fluter open. Elizabeth! Wake up come on Elizabeth wake up! Her eyes fluttered open and close. I could tell she was going to pass out again. I saw the two bullet holes in her shoulder and down near her waist, just below her ribs.

I looked back at her. Her eyes rolled back under her eye lids and she passed out again. I quickly picked her up. Chase and Alex just walked out the door and saw me holding Elizabeth. Alec gasped and looked away. Chase held the door. They both followed behind me. We laid her down in her bed. "Alex go grab clean cloth anything you can find hurry!" She ran away. "Chase go find the first aid kit!" I didn't want to have to but I lifted her up and slid her shirt off. And laid her softly back down onto the bed.

They quickly floated back into the room with what I told them to grab. I told Alex to hold the cloth down on one bullet hole as I pull the bullet out of the other one. She pressed down on the hole below her ribs. Elizabeth moved and groaned. "Chase hold her down!" I pulled the bullet out of the shoulder and she moved more. Elizabeth started to breath heavily and started to move more. Alex removed the cloth from the hole below her rib and put a clean one on her shoulder. Next thing I knew Alex yelled I looked up at her "what's the matter" I said quickly. "Alex!" "She's awake" she said. "Chase keep holding her down. We're almost done". I listened to Alex trying to calm Elizabeth down. I slowly pulled the bullet out of her. Elizabeth let out a faint scream. I pulled out clean piece of cloth and quickly pressed down on her stomach. I watched as se squeezed her eyes shut. Alex kept talking to her trying to calm her down. Chase let go of her and she laid there still in the bed. Chase grab the peroxide and some gaw out of the first aid. We need to sterilize the cuts and wrap her up. Chase handed me the peroxide. I told Chase to hold her down just in case. I poured the peroxide all over her. She started to move again in the bed but Chase kept her still. I quickly took a Cotten ball and tried to clean up as much dirt as I could. Me and Alex laid down new clean cloth on her cuts and then wrapped her up. Alex lifted her up and slid a new shirt on. Alex gave me the old shirt. I looked at it it was a white shirt. There were two bullet holes in the shirt and blood stains surrounding it. I looked back at Elizabeth. "What happened to you". Elizabeth had passed out after I poured the peroxide down. She laid there in the bed like a sleeping angle.

Chase and Alex had left the room and went to there room. I thought I could here crying coming from Alex's room. Chases I heard nothing but sheets and blankets being rustled around in. I walked back to my room. And laid there in bed until I fell asleep.

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