Fighting the Dark

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I was running through the wood outside of the town. I looked around for a place to hide. My necklace was gone and I didnt know what to do. I heard the voices right behind me.

Ok stop your probably thinking " what necklace, Who am I running from, what am I doing, and most of all who am I? Then let me start from the beging.

Now where I come from is not earth, but it is a world sort of like earth. Only the animals are bigger and kill faster without thinking. When I was 13 I was running through those woods one night. The grass was a beutiful green, but nothing ever is on the ground except grass. Heres why when a nut or a leaf falls on the ground the grass takes it into the ground and pretty much turns it into fertilizer. The time that it takes for anything to turn into dirt on your world takes about 2 seconds on ours. So yes plants like trees and bushes can grow but that takes longer than it takes your plants to grow., but anyways back to my story.

I was running through the woods.It was dark out and it was getting darker every minute. I was enjoying the sounds of the nature around me. I had a certain tree that I liked to climb. I Liked climbing to the top and looking at all of the tourches lit around the area I lived. The people who lived in my life liked to live it simple. That night I was running to that tree when I heard something back in the woods. I looked around but I didnt see anything. I yelled out to my little brother to come out from the trees. He jumped down from one of the trees and walked straight up to me. He was way younger than my not like 3 or anything but he was about 10. "What are you doing out here all alone you know what dad told you" I already knew what my brother was talking about . He was talking about my dad telling me not to go anywhere alone due to the animals migrating. Well I guess I don't have anything to worry about because I'm not alone. You're here. My little brother looked up at me with a smerk on his face. Then he said " I love how you find loop holes". I looked back at him and and smiled and laughed. Then I took my right hand and I rubbed his hair out of place. He jumped back and fixed it. Then walked back close to me.

Come on I said I want to show you something that I haven't shown anyone. He followed me through a cave and then to my favorite tree. It was the biggest Oak tree in the forest. We walked up to the bottom of a smaller oak tree, and then I pulled out a bow and arrow for me, and a knife for my brother. The handle was made out of oak wood that I carved out myself. and the blade my dad made and I stole it when he wasn't looking.

I handed the knife to my brother, and he handled it very gently like a feather. I grabbed my bow and put it on, and then we started walking. Now don't mistaken him for a weakling because everyone here is very stroung once you hit the age of 5. Including the girls. I was a skinny girl, I had brown hair, and I painted red paint under my eyes., and a hawk feather in my hair. Then I had black outfit that I wore with a Black hood that I wore when I went hunting. My brother had brown hair. He had black clothes on, and black paint right under his eyes. My mom never got to see us grow up. I was 6 when she died, this made my brother about 3. She loved nature as much as I did, but nature ate her up and spit her right back out. She was walking through the woods late at night like I was and then she was greated by a panther. There is a myth in my village that when you look into a black panther eyes you will either die a legend or you will stay alive and be known as a hero. Nobody knows what happens when you live because nobody has lived to see that. My mother told me this story that happened to her right befor she died. She died as a legend and I'm happy to at least know this. My father never likes to talk about her sighting. He always say's she was just joking or thats not true, but down deep in me I belive it, and that scarces me most of all. Because what if that same panther was still alive today. What if he was looking for me. I think of this because the last person to see the panther was my mom and I am her daughter. Her blood runs through my blood.

I watched my brother walking, and I memorized every movment that he made, and then we heard a crunch of a stick breaking. Me and my brother crouched down on the grass and looked around. My brother crawled slowly to the right and I crawled to the left. I watched my brother crawl into some bushes. I climbed up a tree and looked for the animal, and then tight there below me was a dark black panther. I watched the panther walk around for a minute, and then I felt a feeling of anger come over me. I though of my mother, and the panther who chose her and took her life all for what. Exactly nothing. When I looked at the animal my eyes filled with tears,and then my fists tightened. I jumped off of the branch and onto the panther, but the branch broke and I missed the animal and fell onto my back right next to the animal. The branch fell and landed on top and pinned me down.

At first I was scared but the animal made no movements, and then I thought if I die I will be with my mother, but if I lived I wouldn' t know what would happen to me. Like I said before nobody has ever lived to see the day.

I looked straight into the panthers eyes. I felt no regret, and most of all I wasn't scared. The animal looked straight into my eyes, but then it jumped and ran away.

I hoped you guys liked my first chapter plz vote and commet on what I can do to make my story better. Thanks guys <3

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