Chapter 23

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The sun was gone and the moon had come up. Alex had fallen asleep on my my lap beside the fire. Soon someone would be coming to help, but it was sooner then I thought.

The next day everyone was helped clean up the town. It was all ash. We had weelbarrows rolling all of the ash out into the woods. I helped with picking anything that was too heavy. Then the wind started blowing,l harder than ussual. Then out of nowhere a ship had appeared on the ground. and then a man ran out of the door. "Hi I'm Dr. James. 

Some people were afraid and packed-up and sent their children back to the camp. "Don't be alarmed, I was sent to help clean up."  Some people came closer to him and shook hands with him, some gave him hugs. Alex walked closer to him slowly. "Alex! Come here... Where are you going.... Alex!"  She walked closer to the man and starred at him. "Hello Alex." The man said. I swear I was about to faint when he knew her name.  "It is you" she said. "yes, but we mustunt talk now. Maybe later. and oh bring you're brother. And with that he walked away to go help clean up.

Alex turned around with a big smile on her face. "What? Why are you smiling at me?"  She kept staring at me and then out of nowhere she screamed with joy and ran away. "Alex wait!" I never found her after that she found me.

"Alex! Wait for me!" I chaced her into the woods and then she dissapeard. I sat down on a tree that had fallen. My head was hurting. Nothing was adding up. How did the man who came to help us know Alex's name. And who was the man who told us that the volcano was about to erupt.  Oh my God. It was him... Dr. James! He was the man who told us about the volcano and the man Alex saw in the woods. But why would he have told us all of this. Who is he and what does he want with us. I stayed out in the woods until the sun went down and then I heard a branch crunch. and then a  couple of leaves crackle. I stood up quickly and put my back up against a tree.A held out my knifie in front of me and watched the trees move. Then Alex poped out behind the bushes. "haha, I scared you." "Alex that wasn't funny I could have killed you. "Oh well hey we have to go" I stared at her something was diffrent about her. She had a smile on her face, and she was acting like she diddent care about anything. "Alex I think you need to go see a doctor."  "What? What are you talking about? I'm fine Tyler. We just have to go talk to somebody." She started to walk out of the woods towards the camp.

It felt like a short walk and we were there. We were gretted by other people from our town. Alex lead me to a new tent. We walked inside and there sat Dr. James. "Ok guys this is were it gets complocaed so, how about we get started."

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