Chapter One-Back to Work

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Chapter One

Back to Work


I tap my foot on the floor a little faster as I grow more and more impatient and irritated. Steve continues talking and pointing out certain important things on the blueprints he's magnetized to the white board, but I know for a fact someone on the team isn't listening. Loki of Asgard is looking at me like I'm a rabbit he'd like to shoot and I do not appreciate it one bit. Since we met there's been friction, and not the good kind. Since I'm around constantly, I have to put up with his sharp tongue and incessant remarks. I'm honestly surprised I haven't stabbed him yet, but then again that would most likely get me fired. I'm the woman in charge of everything to do with the team. I tell them where to go, what to do when they get there, and all the ways they can get out once they screw it up. I was put in charge when Agent Hill left on urgent business. Same day Nicolas Fury left as well. Now, I'm a permanent fixture at the new facility upstate and Loki is a permanent thorn in my side.

He's bossy, arrogant, rude, demanding, and annoyingly sexy as hell. We met when Thor surprised the team with his presence and that's when he eloquently asked if whores always accompanied the team, referring to me. In his defense, I had just come off a public job as an escort so his thoughts were plausible, but I couldn't stand the way he looked down at me. Suffice it to say I punched him in the jaw and our relationship has been rocky ever since. My phone dings and I pick it up, nodding to Steve before ducking out.

"Hello?" I greet whoever it is kindly, happy to be out of that room.

"Hey! Listen, I need you to cover my shift tonight! I know it's last minute, but my class got moved and I have to go because there's a test and-"

"Kate, it's fine. Go to your class, I'm happy to cover you." I tell her, already heading to my room to change.

"Oh, thank god! I love you so much, you have no idea." She tells me and promptly hangs up, I'm sure to hurry to class. She's damn lucky I have the schedule memorized for my job. A local senator is crooked and presumably working for Hydra. He also frequents a certain strip club. My job is to gather dirt on him and hopefully get enough to convict. So far, not enough has surfaced. Quickly, I put on cut-off jean shorts and a shirt that wraps around me and ties. The entire purpose of the outfit is to put it on quickly and take it off quicker. I march down the hallway in black heels, knowing I look killer in my black lingerie underneath. Pulling out my phone I send a message to Steve to tell him where I'm going so he doesn't worry.

"Where are you off to, my kitten?" A smooth voice asks as I round a corner. Rolling my eyes, I ignore him and tuck my phone in my pocket. Suddenly, he appears in front of me and shocks me into stopping. "Must I ask again?" The mirage asks in a deceivingly gentle voice. I spin and face the real Loki behind me, leaning against the wall.

"No where that you can go." I snap, turning back around and walking through the fake him to get to the door.

"I can go anywhere I like." He responds, catching up to walk beside me. I grind my teeth to keep from hurting him.

"Not with me. Don't you have someone else you could torment?" I huff, walking to my small black car and stopping, unwilling to get in until he's gone. He smiles winningly at me and scans my body slowly.

"None that are as fun to torment as you, my darling. May I say, you make an excellent slut. You're on your way to that den of whores, are you not?" I glare at him and move to the driver's side, opening the door.

"Remember the last time you called me names? Now, remember that and shut the hell up. By the way, I'm not your anything." I spit and get in the car, driving away and resisting the urge to run him over a couple times. My trip to the club is blissfully silent. A stark difference to what I'm about to walk into. Music blares through the speakers as scantily clad women march up and down florescent runways and swing on silver poles. Thankfully, Kate's shift was lap dancing and not pole dancing. After slipping off my shorts and shirt, then shake my dirty blonde hair free from it's ponytail before heading out. David, the one who supervises everything finds me immediately.

"You've got a request. Number one." He gestures to the booth with his bearded chin and I nod, heading over while plastering my sexy smile on my face. It drops when I see who's sitting there.

"What the fucking hell do you think you're doing here?" I hiss, staring at the stupid smirk on his thin lips.

"I'm watching out for you, darling." Loki says suavely, looking so damn fine in his violet button-up and black slacks it makes me even more livid.

"By trying to get me found out?" I whisper yell, practically steaming from anger. He tsks and his tongue flicks out and wets his lips like a snake.

"Dear, I think you're the one who may get yourself fired." He comments, glancing behind me. I follow his gaze and see David flicking his eyes over to us every once and a while. "I paid quite a bit for you, kitten. You should start doing your work or else..." My eyes go back to him as he speaks and I once again find myself grinding my teeth.

"Fuck you." I ground out and start my normal routine. I turn around and shake my ass at him before mounting one of his long legs, moving back and forth along it.

"I'd gladly let you do that, my little kitten." He tells me in a very different tone, calling my eyes to his. For a brief moment, there's a softness mixed in with the desire. It's gone in a blink and I find myself wondering if I was just projecting.

"In your dreams, Laufeyson. And for the last fucking time, I'm not your anything." I snap after my senses return to me, switching to his other leg in a smooth move. He sighs with what seems like fond nostalgia.

"Ah, yes. In my dreams, you do." He remarks dreamily, but his eyes are very much focused on me in the present. Shaking my head, I straddle him and grind down on his crotch. I can't help my eyes from widening when I feel how hard he already is. A smirk works its way onto my face as he shuts his eyes for a moment. If I affect him like this, then I have power over him. I lean forward and put my hands on the back of his chair, giving him a perfect view of my breasts clad in black. Now that I'm really paying attention, I notice the way his hands tightly grasp the arms of the chair when I move, and the little intake of breath he takes when I run my hands down his arms. It gives me a little too much pleasure to see myself do this to him, but the tides soon change. I stand and turn, now letting my ass lay in his lap and the rest of me drape over his long torso. My head is even with his since he's so unearthly tall, no pun intended. So far, he's been a good boy, sitting in the chair and keeping his hands to himself. Of course, I should've known who I was messing with. This is the god of mischief. When my hips start gyrating and pushing my ass against his massive hard-on, his hands release the chair and instead find purchase on my thighs. My breath instantly hitches and I haven't the heart to remove them. I quickly continue gyrating as his hands squeeze my thighs, then slowly travel up my body deliciously. My eyes shut involuntarily when his hands reach my bra, squeezing my breasts and pushing them together before releasing them. I bite down on my lip hard to contain a moan. "I'd have you moaning my name in seconds, kitten." He growls after skimming my ear with his lips. My eyes snap open and I sit up, dismounting him quickly.

"Once again, Laufeyson, in your dreams." I remark as I try to hide how shaken I am. "Go back to the facility." I tell him firmly without meeting his eyes. I'm put off when I move to my next client, but fall back into the rhythm of things quickly. Although, throughout the evening I feel eyes on me. I just hope it's the senator. I could use a break right now. Kate shows up before my shift is up and kisses my cheek in thanks, taking over from then on. Exhausted physically and emotionally, I head back to the tower well past midnight. My first stop is the kitchen. I make a PB and J sandwich and eat it on my way to my room, collapsing on my bed when I get there. I change into a blue nightie and crawl into bed after shoving the rest of my sandwich in my mouth. Reaching out of bed, I turn out the lamp and sigh when darkness covers the room. The last thing I do is text Steve so he knows I'm back, but I know he isn't awake. Then, I settle down into my pillows and blankets, doing my absolute best to forget how a certain someone's hands ghosted over my skin.

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