Rakata Prime

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Revan, Evan Rybath as the Jedi had renamed him, sits in the cockpit of the Ebon Hawk with Carth piloting the ship. Zalbaar and Mission can be heard arguing in the common area as well as T3 and HK arguing in the communications room. He can feel Juhani, Jolee and Bastila meditating in the starboard sleeping bay. Canderous is in the cargo hold working on one of the bikes. It is a typical day in their mission to get to the Star Forge. After they left Manaan they had headed back to Dantooine to report on their progress and receive any new orders. None came, but while there Bastila had left something in her quarters and Revan had found it. Inside was his mask the one so long ago he took from the fallen Mandelorian who stood up the needless slaughter on Cathar. In a flash all his memories came back from the initial memory of her last stand all the way up to his capture and betrayal. He secretly took it with him, but had yet to put it on along with his former armor that she had as well. He had returned to the light however he felt he was neither a Jedi nor a Sith. He had used both the Bogan and the Ashla, but now he was more in the middle. He could use both and just like Jolee, he was in balance. Bendu was used by the early Jed'aii. From this he felt that they had to take a detour before heading to Rakata Prime. The short trip to Rekkiad to recover Mandalore's Mask was one of the things he felt he would need. Canderous didn't know he had it, nor would he unless he could figure out why it would be important to have it now.

Bastila had wondered why they traveled to Rekkiad or why Zalbaar or Juhani wouldn't say what they had done on the planet. The Wookie was the only one that went with him. After that, they traveled to the station in the Yavin System. Bastila was distracted from trying to figure out what Revan had retrieved from Rekkiad when he gave her one of the two crystals he had bought from Suvan Tan. Revan had debated which to give her, but knowing her ability with Battle Meditation the only choice was to give her the Mantle of the Force as it increased her abilities in the Force. He had kept the Heart of the Guardian for himself. Unlike what most thought of the two crystals they were very different, in color. The Heart of the Guardian was not just silver and cyan as it took on a more purple hue with the other crystals he used. The Mantle of the Force was golden yellow, but the copper color pulsed with green giving off different shades of the two colors. Jolee had found a crystal that turned his blade white and silver and Juhani's blade was more of a blue and red blending some times into a dark purple. Revan was the only one who used a second blade at times as he carried several. Each had their own style of fighting. Jolee was more used to using Soresu or Shien compared to Revan's Juyo. Juhani used a mixed style of Djem So and Ataru while Bastila used Niman mixed with Soresu. Each of the Jedi had skill in using four of the seven forms and knowing many variations.

Carth was just as skilled with blasters favoring his duel custom pistols. Canderous favored heavy rifles, but could hold his own with a blade just as Zalbaar could with his bowcaster and vibroblade. Mission preferred needle blasters that may not take down resistant combatants, but they didn't need to when she could shoot out the eyes from a hundred paces. HK 47 could use any weapon that the group had and Revan and the other sparred with him using a blade. His extreme agility made him an equal to most jedi. Though he preferred grenades and heavy cannons with Gatling level fire rates. Revan always thought about each of his team's... no, his family's skill sets before the possibility of battle strangely he didn't really feel like doing so now, but it would be most likely as he knew they would be facing his once loyal Sith forces. All four Jedi hissed as they felt the same thing.

"Carth take us out of hyperspace now!" Revan ordered at the same time a wave of energy hit the ship as Carth pulled back on the handle. Smoke and sparks filled the cockpit as well as other locations of the ship. For what felt like ages the Jedi were abandoned by the Force before it came back in full force enough for each of them to glow brightly.

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